How do you hide your gains (if necessary of course)?

Jeff seid is ripped, I'll give him that but he has a 13 year olds face and in no way looks natural lol so Chicago you have a good point. People will believe what they want.
Agree with Chicago. It's illegal in every profession my man. I think by you openly coming out and saying your into bodybuilding to people you work with raises a bigger red flag then what size clothes you have on for the day. People who aren't in the know just assume anyways. Don't ask, don't tell lol. I think you would be better off just minding your own business and keep the interviews to a minimum. Its nobodys business what I do. That's how I see it.
People can speculate all they want, but no one can prove a thing. Innocent until proven guilty. It's that simple.
Crown, they dont test for it in the military for a reason; it's expensive, and unnecessary to discourage something that will make their soldiers bigger, faster, and stronger!

I've got plenty of friends who do steroids and are in the service. I don't think it's much of a concern for anyone in any position and any rank. But, obviously you wouldn't go around bragging or telling someone about your usage.
if you are deployable, using in the service is not smart at all. what if you get deployed? you'll be coming off steroids in some shithole with no PCT. thats why i never used when i was in the military even though i could have with no problem
Crown, they dont test for it in the military for a reason; it's expensive, and unnecessary to discourage something that will make their soldiers bigger, faster, and stronger!

I've got plenty of friends who do steroids and are in the service. I don't think it's much of a concern for anyone in any position and any rank. But, obviously you wouldn't go around bragging or telling someone about your usage.

There are times when it is tested: When they want to get rid of someone anyway but don't have a "legit" reason. Recently heard about a guy who was being a real douche to his subordinates, and after enough of that happened they suddenly had a "random" drug testing that included AAS. Whaddyaknow, he came up positive. And gone.

So, steroids+being_a_Jerk might equal getting tossed out. But I'd say that no one is going to test you otherwise.
I will say the biggest reason behind me hiding it and trying to not let anyone know is simply because it is illegal. Of course a few very close friends know but they also use. Other then that it is not worth the risk. And too many people if they do find out eventually someone in law enforcement would. It's just not worth the risk.
You kinda gotta have the attitude like "who cares what you think" but at the same time be a little tactful and on guard. When you are having a discussion with someone and they ask questions most of the time you really can't admit anything or thats it, word gets out and you are done. I had my wifes friend walk right up to me at a party and say "are you on those testosterone shots?" Everyone heard it and I was in the spotlight. If I lied I am sure people would have noticed. So I did the next best thing. I turned it around on her in the form of a joke. I said "yeah girl, I get it from the same doctor you go to!" While I squeezed her bicep. Everyone started laughing and that was it, spotlight off.
I am on TRT but do a nice blast every year. I keep my medical stuff private as anyone would but if say my employer put the screws to me I can always tell em that Im on TRT and it helps me. If they continue to pry I can always claim I will sue them lol.. J/K
I know guys that workout and eat all half assed but think they train hard and are dedicated. They all look like shit. So they think I juice cause They dont look like me. I always tell em that they first have to eat and train waaaay better for about a year and then come back and lets try again. That usually shuts em up but I know they still think it.
I must suck at this working out and cycling stuff. I walk around flexed all the time and people don't even notice I work out. :) Wish I had your problem.
Don't care what people think it's kinds obvious anyways
Think what they want to think and let them stare away :)
It's the one that are 140lbs soaking wet that fill out abit on a cycle then drop back down to there regular weight or less then what they weighed before that makes aas usage look strangly stupid
Got a few in my gym that do that it makes them look truly stupid and a total waste
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If It I s the military, using AAS om active duty is just as stupid as being addicted to opiates...

Ur eventually have to get off in a time where it isn't desirable to get off like in combat and ull turn into a straight pussy because Ur t lvls crashed and Ur country fucking relies on you ...

I thi link it's stupid... and outside of that it's something Ur gonna have to deal with...either they know or they dont

Lol Chicago you must always be on tren. You're also the most opinionated guy I know but that's good. That's why I like you. Lol some individuals in the military do not deploy and some have guaranteed deployment times and cycles due to their set teams. You following me on this one. What I'm saying is 6 months deployed for my country and 6 months back. You get the heads up and go and when you're back they touch another team.
A lot of you guys have your own methods of concealment. A lot of you guys just don't bother because it's not really a concern and you don't allow yourself to get caught up in those situations. I'm happy with the turn out here.

It's not advisable to take AAS and brag nor is it wise to do something dumb on cycle and get caught ( especially in the military) but we do this for ourselves so it only makes sense to watch your own back.
Sadly you have to learn how to be a good liar about AAS usage. My employer will probably fire any of us if there is any suspicion or confirmation floating around about steroid usage. This is the sad state of affairs in most parts of the world where steroids are treated like other drugs and users are viewed as typical junkies. The reality is that AAS makes you a better worker and more alert, but what can we do to change these stereotypes (rhetorical)? Wear baggy clothes and exaggerate how good your diet is, and say some gimmick like the shakeweight gave you massive triceps.
Get a Big Bedsheet, Cut a hole into it and sport it like a Poncho! , lol no just kidding, Baggy clothes