How Do you Prevent Stretch Marks???

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Ok so i have been done with my cycle for alittle over a week! i ran Tren E for 10 weeks and Test E for 12 weeks! and my SRETCH marks are getting worse and im getting new ones! WTF can i do to prevent them in my next cycle. i have cycled before and used Cocoa Butter and it work fine. now its not working at all! im just wondering if there is anything out there i dont know about that will help me now and for my next cycle!!! :wtf:
I embraced my first stretch a battle wound to remember all the hard work youve put in to achieve your body.

buttt if you wanna get rid of some I heard vit E shots work.
I must be a lucky bastard , because I never got them......except on my my wife says. I use to be a little on the heavy side years ago due to smoking weed and eating all the food category's :)
Friend who had them bad use to use vitamine E and rub it on them.. he also took beta carotine...and used coco butter lotion

got rid of them over time
I think that the best way to prevent stretch marks its not to gat big fast))))
Ok so i have been done with my cycle for alittle over a week! i ran Tren E for 10 weeks and Test E for 12 weeks! and my SRETCH marks are getting worse and im getting new ones! WTF can i do to prevent them in my next cycle. i have cycled before and used Cocoa Butter and it work fine. now its not working at all! im just wondering if there is anything out there i dont know about that will help me now and for my next cycle!!! :wtf:

I have the worst stretchmarks all over my body. Probably worse then you have ever seen. I tried everything, and nothing worked. Not even Coco Butter. A few weeks ago, I bought something called Trofolastin. You cannot buy it in the USA. You have to order it from Spain or something. The directions are in Spanish as well. I have been using them, and the first week my stretchmarks have faded like crazy. They get better every day. Seriously, this stuff is a miracle worker. Buy this and you won't regret it. It also helps your skin to become more elastic, so your skin won't get anymore stretchmarks from stretching.

After a few more weeks when they have faded some more, I am going to get a tan and the stretchmarks will be pretty much invisible.
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Cocoa butter.
Vitamin E lotion / oil.
Tretonoin Cream....also known as Retin A
Alpha Hydroxy Acids
Endermologie....this is a special machine that massages deep into the skin...I've also known many woman to massage the area where the stretch marks are...apparently it reduces them
Laser Surgery.....fades them
Tanning....can fade the look of them
Bio-Oil...fairly new on the market...can get it at Walmart

Be sure to drink lots of water and get proper nutrients and minerals for maximum prevention.

Stretch marking is often genetic/heridetary when it comes to the severity of the marks.
I have tried without succes to get rid of mine and/or prevent them.

Actually, I've grown to like them. They make you look hard lol. Girlfriend is not a fan though...especially since they feel so weird and elastic.
I was proud of my 1st ones! but now i have them real bad on my inner delts! but i will look into all of this...
so I bought some Trofolastin yesterday I am waiting for it to come in I will keep you posted on if it works or if its crap too
most of the creames will not help you .
I heard of vitamin A and E.
Laser treatment sounds comlicated and expensive but it could work.
Had any of you had laser treatment?
so I bought some Trofolastin yesterday I am waiting for it to come in I will keep you posted on if it works or if its crap too

It works great for me. Hope you have the same luck.

most of the creames will not help you .
I heard of vitamin A and E.
Laser treatment sounds comlicated and expensive but it could work.
Had any of you had laser treatment?

It cost thousands of dollars and you have to keep going back for like months, and still, there is a chance it won't even work. It's not really worth the risk unless you have the money.
vitamin E gel caps, broken open and rubbed on the sites prone to stretch marks, can help...

HAs in my case anyways....
where can you get intravenous vitamin E? in canada? ive used intravenous niacin and boy does it shoot ur spine straight when you blaz. all i got is marks all along my biceps ass inner thighs. one bicep is more stretched while the other is minamally stretched

You're injecting random shit straight into a vein?
Feel like posting a photo of your stretch marks? Would be good to know what to look out for.
hi there

My wife is pregnant, and extremely prone to stretch marks.

Could you guys who bought Trofolastin please send me a link to where I can purchase it?

Thank you
workoutfreak078 - I tried sendign you a msg but your inbox is full.

Can anyone help here, re this? My wife is pregnant and really wants to purchase this - running a bit low on time here :/
I have been using dermalmd Stretch Mark Serum to prevent stretch marks in my pregnancy. I haven't gotten any yet so it might work, but I'm not sure if that's the product or if I'm just not prone to them.