How good is your nose breathing?

Hey guys,
Good sleep plays an important part in achieving normal testosterone level. When we sleep, we normally breathe through nose. guys that are mouth breathers are known to have sleep problems and everything that comes with them.
I have genetically very tiny nasal and ear canals. And i often have stuffed nose and cant breathe, especially in winter. And my testosterone levels are low. Im 21.
So right now i am questioning myself if my nose-breathing is effective enough at night?
I remember reading a book about cyclists and it was written that lance armstrong was making his opponents go crazy with his poker face and breathing through his nose even on the steep climbs. Thats something unbelievable to me. I cant even breathe through my nose riding my bike to a supermarket. Whats your opinion on this? How easy is your nose breathing?
im going to get those plasters that widen up your nostrils and see if that helps.
I have spent a lot of time boxing and also wrestling. So, the nose has seen better days. After two broken noses I have been fortunate to not have any visible damage but scar tissue has built up in the inside making it tough to breath through my nose. I am fine when siting but during any exercise I have to use my mouth. I use breath right strips but prefer the plastic inserts you can put in your nose.