How important is a workout partner to you?

Can't you just rack the heavier bar and rep out with some lighter weights instead?

Training is all about thinking outside the box... If you have a spotter, use forced reps - if you don't have a spotter, do a drop set, or rest-pause set.

Remember: failure with a selected weight, doesn't mean muscle failuire.
In layman's terms: just because you can't do another rep at 'x' weight, doesn't mean you can't drop to 'y' weight and crank out a few more.

Well of course i can, i utilize super sets for that reason. Been lifting on my own for years. I thought paused sets and super sets were the basics lol. Just fuckin around. Im just sayin, sometimes i don't wanna put down the heavy weight and having a partner there to to extend that iniatial set can only be positive in my eyes. To each his own. I can also go hard and bullshit at the same time, some cant
Some days I would rather workout alone, others a partner helps. All depends on my mood and the partner.
i used to like going to the gym with a friend or two before i got serious about it. now i just wanna put my headphones in, not speak to anyone and just kill my workout
I agree that good workout partner is gold, but they are hard to come by. And for me I'm in the gym different days a week and at different times. I see mostly the teens and 20-somethings with lifting partners because they get out of school or college or work at the same time. By my age (others above) you never know when your hitting the gym since it's dependent on traffic, Costco, family, and other fun stuff life throws you. I'd like having someone to workout with for legs and heavy DB work.

My niece ran track at an ACC school. I took her to the gym and she busted my ass with deadlifts, lunges and legs, legs, legs. (She also distracted about half the dudes lifting there). She could see any deviation in my form and correct it. It's really hard to do certain lifts and concentrate on form, weight and look in the mirror all at the same time. A good partner is great for coaching good form. My two cents.
The consensus is just about what I expected. A good lifting partner has to be so many things. For example

- serious
- pretty much same workout as me
- available at the same time
- I don't mind a little chat, but very little
Most of the time it's just easier to workout alone, rather than having the inconvenience of someone being late or them wanting to alter my workout beyond what I'm comfortable with.
Drop down sets are a bunch easier with a partner however.
I have been lifting for 37 years...Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, lifting for cardio....I have done it both ways with and without a Partner. I prefered having a Great workout partner that was like minded and competitive. I have made gains that maybe I could not make through forced reps or when powerlifting just having someone to spot you for super heavy lifts. Some people who hate training partners just might be the Bad type of training partner nobody wants??