How long after first injection did you feel it? (test)


New member
Just wondering how long after does one feel it? How much is the placebo effect? lol 250mg Test E
at week 4-5 you will really feel the test kick in.


Also make sure you run the cycle 12 weeks. post cycle therapy (pct) nolva/clomid 14 days after last injection for 4 weeks.

make sure you are running armidex week 1-12
Aromasin week 1-12. Nolva + clomid post cycle therapy (pct) 2 14 days after last jab. for 4 weeks planned.

14-15% bf
I just did my last pin for week four and I must say that I look better already, it could just be the fact that I am on a good bulk again but good weight is stacking on fast and I am horny as all get out. Not sure how much is placebo but I feel like a beast in the gym. I was hitting PR's somewhat often before but it seems that every week now I am either adding weight or adding reps. Needless to say I am really excited to know that it's started and the real fun lies ahead.
I never notice feeling anything while on test either. I notice the high blood pressure, sweating, heavy breathing from tren within the first week. I begin to see water retention within a few weeks though
differs for everyone, placebo can be a strong thing, and I don't view placebo effect as negative. If I feel better and I am stronger I don't care if someone is selling me pixy dust. But I noticed strength gains and muscle hardness kicking in at about 6 weeks on test e, then that "feeling" i basically got used to at week 12 so I didn't notice it anymore but gains were still there.
Finishing my 2nd week on Test E. Not really feeling anything, i do get the night sweats tho. For the placebo effect, i dont know, I've always been a rational kind of guy so i guess i know I'm on and what to expect so I'm having a hard time fooling myself into a fake rush. (if that makes any sense lol). But really I'm really eager to see the feeling iI will get from the Test at week 4/5. First time on so really hoping this will be worth all the hype.
