How long can I run slin?


New member
OK, I know there are alot of different variables, but I just came off of 8 weeks of Sustanon (sust), dbol weeks 1-4, and slin weeks 6-12. I start clomid in 1 week.

I have read to run slin only 4 weeks, but what do you think about using it as a bridge for the next 8 weeks? I am only using it 3 days a week after workouts at 14iu. Will checking my blood sugar on off days tell me anything?
i dont think there is a problem with running it for 8 weeks. the only thing i would change if i were you is instead of the whole 14iu post workout. split that up, take 7iu before breakfast and the other 7 post workout.
i dont think there is a problem with running it for 8 weeks. the only thing i would change if i were you is instead of the whole 14iu post workout. split that up, take 7iu before breakfast and the other 7 post workout.

I know some people take it before breakfast, but why? I have not seen the reasoning for this. Not knocking, just wondering.
dude2003 said:
I know some people take it before breakfast, but why? I have not seen the reasoning for this. Not knocking, just wondering.

insulin sensitivity's highest in the morning.

also maybe they eat a high protein breakfeast and they great absorbtion to the muscles.

i've run slin 7 weeks 2x /day ED, 8iu morning then 10iu post workout.

just make sure you keep it refrigerated. humalog is only good for a month, but i used mine for longer. stupid cuz it's cheap, but it never looked "cloudy", but the leftovers still doesn't 5 months later :rolleyes:
One of the risks of slin is becoming diabetic, so will checking my blood sugar on off days tell me anything?
I run slin 5 days a week 10iu before my workout and 10iu after my workout...
The breakfast thing i'm not sure thats a good idea as you're going to have to be careful what U eat ..
If you do it around you're gym time you whon't worry as much for putting xtra fat on.
Becouse you're working out...
and also if you take gh you don't want to take slin in the morning cause it will put alot of stress on you're pankrious and possible burnout causing U to go diabetic.
Take you're slin around you're gym time for best results....
Thats my experianse and i stand by it....
Slin won't make you diabetic :)

Also slin is good for post cycle recovery, just watch your calories CLOSE the combo of lowered test levels with extra slin could lead to fat gain, but slin will protect that muscle you've added. Possibly even add muscle and help with recovery.
as far as results go i started slin a year ago humilin R and i was eating pretty good i only ate what i was supposed to when on slin.I gained about 15lb from i'm using it with t-3 and GH i'm not using humilin R i'm using humolog of which i like better.The results R very good i was bridging with t-3 ,slin and Gh. i stayed very lean now i started my cycle a few days ago so i'm really exited to see the results after it's all over in 6 months.
My last cycle,I ran it the entire length of the cycle(8 weeks),4 days a week at 10 units each dose and I never noticed any problems.
In asking others this exact question, the general answer I got was that you can basically run it for quite a long time (depending on dosage and how often obviously).

The answer I got was that you'll know when it's time to start tapering insulin when you become insulin resistant (no more gains and/or jacked up glucose values)... but I'd guess you'd have to use it for months to get that bad.

Anyone else used it that long? Until it just plain stopped working?
I know alot of people are scared about becoming a diabetic from it,but has anyone ever heard of someone becoming a diabetic from it?