How long does it take you to lose your strength and size...

Yeah, you were still 208, but you're not the same kind of 208... more fat, less muscle.

except my bf% stayed the same so not more fat. you don't look as full maybe but that doesn't mean you lost muscle. from my experiences pct doesn't automatically mean you lose gains. i kept my gains so from experience you don't automatically lose what you have.
Last time I came off I lost a little bit of size, very little. Nothing compared to how much I lost after that awesome Dbol only cycle I did.....what a waste!! Funny thing was when I came off cycle this time and I lost the water weight more people commented on how much bigger and leaner I looked?? I guess being leaner does make you look bigger!
If your doing a traditional dirty bulk with traditional bulking compounds, like test and dbol, that aromatize to a high degree,, and your not really that concerned with e2.. then your gonna bulk and and get "swole" with plenty of water, glycogen stores, and blood volume in the muscles.. you'll put on 25 pounds and plenty of size too.. But then when coming off you'll loose a fair amount of that.


If you clean bulk and your controlling your E2 and it's all dialed in, your not retaining a shit ton of water, your building and volumizing the muscle cells with proper diet and training.. your gains are more quality and are thus more likely kept after the cycle.

my 2 cents
I think most people just simply don't take enough time off to really lose their gains. I did testosterone on and off for about 6 years straight. I did post cycle therapy but never really took long enough off for me to lose much... Fast forward 2.5 years from the time that I stopped, I had pretty much lost most of what I had gained over the course of 6 years. I basically looked like I did before I ever started, no joke.

What I'm saying is try taking years off, let your body COMPLETELY get back to its normal state , watch what happens...
1 year max i say less would be all you need to lose everything you will look like a average natty lifter after 6 months
I have a question..
if im cycling like that
5 month on [3 month +PCT] and 5 month/4 month off
each time
i will lose everything/lose most of the gainz?!

u saying that i need to be on forever?! or cruise
I have a question..
if im cycling like that
5 month on [3 month +PCT] and 5 month/4 month off
each time
i will lose everything/lose most of the gainz?!

u saying that i need to be on forever?! or cruise

depends on your foundation and genetics.. most guys don't wait that long for the next cycle cause they start loosing gains and just can't take it and jump back on a cycle again,, then repeat, then repeat,, then just stay on.
Heres my take on things....
i dont see aas as a rec drug just use to look good for the summer or to impress some chick at the club.

I cruise because i wanna look like a bodybuilder and see how far i can take my physique And not lose muscle.

aas when used reponsibly as stay healthy bp estrogen lipids you know the routine will enhance life and health i accel at anything i put my mind too.

If doctors can prescribe trt to someone who needs it and make there life great why cant we do the same?

I see this old man right now as im on the calf machine hes easily in his late 60's with capped delts wide back way better than 99% of people hos age.... steroids are not narcotics there hormones that enhance you

Im in this to advance my body not fluctuate my hormones up and down. I knew when i took my first shot this was for life am i ever gonna be pro? Fuck no this is just a personal obsession and im happy.

Sorry my thoughts are hard to keep in this is why i get banned everywhere lol
"While anabolic steroids will simply cause hypertrophy or bigger sized muscles, taking synthetic IGF1 will cause Hyperplasia in a mass scale."
i have a serious question..
if im on 5 month as i saif cycle+pct
and off 4 month
ill do this cycle
i can achive a good looking body? my goal is a nice build on me like fitness body?
my genetics are average i can say not the best and defenitly not bad.
[trained natural for 4 years im not newbie]

it make me sad to hear that u have to stay on forever to keep the gainz..

and another question if i say on forever and cruise
i will "fuck" my test levels forver?! after lets say a year?
my body could not repair it self ?
for an average man lets say i know every one is different

i know it depents on diet and training to maintain too
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I think most people just simply don't take enough time off to really lose their gains. I did testosterone on and off for about 6 years straight. I did post cycle therapy but never really took long enough off for me to lose much... Fast forward 2.5 years from the time that I stopped, I had pretty much lost most of what I had gained over the course of 6 years. I basically looked like I did before I ever started, no joke.

What I'm saying is try taking years off, let your body COMPLETELY get back to its normal state , watch what happens...

So I've done much or more of the same. I had been off several years (Drugs n alcohol). I looked like I had never lifted, the exception to years prior I had expanded my Chest (rib cage) by doing overhead pullovers. So I had some resemblance of a chest.

I came back in in and was quickly looking like a lifter. Remember I'm a small Ecto. The muscle fibers shrunk and were in atrophy. I was not holding any muscle water, No pump. Muscle memory with the fibers I grew in the beginning are still there so they expand again. I eat and rest and train like a BB and regain the look and some size.

Then I do a cycle and what we did back then does it again. It will come back if you do what we know we have to do to get the shape and size we once had. For the young guys you still can build more LMM onto what you have. The older you are, not the time off effects the building or growing more mass.
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I want to refer to this
Quote: it make me sad to hear that u have to stay on forever to keep the gainz.. Quote

If you keep training hard like you do on cycle or even a little less for maintenance, eat right w/holing your calories up to what you need for this life style and get good adequate rest you can keep the LMM you have built. There is NO reason to loose that.

Now the reason that so many think that they have lost it all because of how they continue to live. They drop the intensity or quantity of training, lesson the calories and type and so on. This while still working out. Then with no exogenous Test n other hormones we loose the water and with no AAS we loose some pump. Ergo we get smaller.

As my last post the muscle fibers to potential size is not lost. We have lightened up on all the rest.

Please, note that I didn't say you would not loose size, I'm referring to what was said to LOOSING it all. Keep the training and the diet and good rest and you will not loose all you can hang onto most and have that look and look good.
Lets take this animal and try to put things into perspective. ... now believe it or not this beast has never lifted un his life! I know its hard to believe he doesnt even eat clean but ince he stops taking tren and does his pct unfortunately he will lose this muscle, i mean we can try and get him on a good diet but honestly hes built too much mass and will return back to the regular animal he was :(View attachment 561253
1 year max i say less would be all you need to lose everything you will look like a average natty lifter after 6 months
Exactly dude. But for some reason on these forums everyone puts great confidence in these post cycles...
Exactly dude. But for some reason on these forums everyone puts great confidence in these post cycles...

Ya but just about everyone around 2 months says i feel good fuckbit let me do another cycle so they never truly stsy off long enough to lose it all. I think ph companys came up with this pct stuff inorder to sell more products. Oh here you need to buy this expensive on cycle support to protect your organs.... oh and when u come off you need pct so you can recover

Anyone who puts on a good amount of muscle knows what happens after a few months. Why do bodybuilders yse enormous amounts of hormones while cutting? If you could preserve muscle with ffood they would just do that instead.
Yep, everyone contributes all their success in keeping gains to good PCT. But the truth is the success part of it is hopping back on a new cycle as soon as possible. Thats how u really keep your gains...

"Good PCT" is as little PCT as possible.
Well this last year i also always had tren ace in the blood 50mg eod i dont recommend anyone to do that but i did it for a very specific reason