how long is too long


New member
if you was going to do a cycle of test and tren how long would you run the cycle for:

I know a guy that has been on fina/prop/T200 for 20 wks,has gained 30 some lbs so far..Run your test as long as you want,just remember to post some point in time to give the body a break.Fina is good for 10-12 wks for good results but can have side effects with some people you'll just have to see how you gain and at what point you stop gaining.
I agree.
That sounds too long for Fina.
But for a long acting Test like Cyp or Enanthane Id go for a nice 12 weeker :)
i was going to use bld tren/prop mix for 8weeks so do i need to buy another bottle to go with it to make i about 12weeks long cycle??
as far as the test i reccomend that you run anything with a long ester like test cyp , eth , and deca and eq for at least 10 weeks but i prefer 12
how about test/tren mix made by bdl the test is propinate i am 25years old and 235lbs. 10-12percent bodyfat i have done 5 cycles already
so how long is too long

which one would you pick
For your first run with fina I'd 6-8 weeks to see how you repond. After that if it's all good then go longer.

so guy and girls what has been the longest time you took tren and test for and still got good gains off of it and is there a stopping place their when your body say it has had enough??
staybig said:
so guy and girls what has been the longest time you took tren and test for and still got good gains off of it and is there a stopping place their when your body say it has had enough??
its individual