How long until I can blast again? (TRT and good bloodwork)


New member
So my first cycle was great for strength..(I was on a 5x5) however I had very little hypertrophy..

Changing my routine to a push-pull 5-6 days a week and ready for my next blast..

Bloodwork is fine and I have been off cycle for 1 week so far.. my question is..with healthy bloodwork and already being on TRT..when can I blast again? My bloodwork was fine all throughout my 500mg test E cycle with nothing ever showing abnormal other than the raised test obviously. I want to begin ASAP because i'd like to hold onto this gained strength and start a good hypertrophy routine while I have it.

ALSO what exactly causes gains to slow down/stop around week 12-14 of a cycle? I've never really looked into this nor have I seen it answered in detail? What causes you not to gain constantly for as long as you're on?
why don't you change to your new routine, get it all dialed in and get comfortable with it , see how you feel, see if you start noticing results, and THEN after that decide to begin blasting again. Otherwise you may just end up wasting some gear again.

also , your on TRT . If the trt is a medical treatment for a testosterone deficiency , then getting that deficiency fixed with trt will result in an anabolic response . why don't you take advantage of that anabolic response* . how long have you been on trt for ?

* I put on 30 lbs after getting on trt for the first 6 months