How long until you actually "feel" the test E


New member
I'm on my second cycle. The first one was Sustanon 250 and and this one is Test E. After my first Sust pin I felt incredible within 45 minutes. Totally focused and an extreme sense of well being. However, on this cycle of Test E, I pinned my 4th dose (400mg/ml once a week) today and I still feel almost nothing in terms of sense of well being. My libido has increased in that I wanna bang every female that walks past me but no laser focus like before. I do feel stronger in the gym and recovery seems quicker and the pumps are good. But still hoping for the enhanced mood. Any advise will be much appreciated.
RE: your first cycle, that's 100% placebo effect.

There's a small amount of prop in sust, so you may feel effects as early as two-three weeks in - but the longer esters will take four to six weeks to build up.
Thanks man!! I appreciate it. Your placebo effect comment is interesting. I actually considered that previously. But before my first ever injection I had no real expectations. So I'm curious whether or not that's the case. With that being said, my awesome focus and great sense of well being quickly declined through out the remainder of that first cycle. So maybe it was all in my mind. Thanks again!!
Just finished week 4 pinning 500mg Test E weekly, 500mg EQ weekly... Feeling all kinds irritable and wayyyyy stronger. 3-4 weeks is definitely the turning point.
My 1st cycle was test e, 500mg a week, 250mon 250thur, 10 weeks. I didn't really feel it till bout 6-7 weeks, starting doubting it b4 that! Wish I would have gone 12 weeks but 1st cycles bout learning. Try splitting it twice a week, u saw some guys suggest that. And if u don't have the sides or gyno try 2 up the dose 50mg and go from there. Good luck