they say "When beginning, limit injections to 3 CC's at a time for glutes, 2 CC's for thighs and 1 - 1.5 CC's for all other spot injections"
so if i wanna do delts 2 cc guess ill be injecting both delts each week!!!!!
no haddent even thought of that. how would you suggest doing that with 1 1/2 cc test e and 1cc deca?
It varies from person to person. I can stuff 6ml into a delt, but it does complain a little. Breaking up your doses, as mentioned above does help, unless on a larger cycle.
How many mg are you running of each per week and what is your gear dosed at?
was going up to 1 1/2 cc test e 600mg and 1 cc deca 300mg ew. i kinda wanted to stick to delts so should i do 1/2 of each in one injection 2times a week, or just do both delts same day once a week?
So is your test dosed at 400mg/ml and your Deca at 300mg/ml?
And you want to run 600mg of Test and 300mg of Deca per week?
yes that is exactly what id like to do. right now im 2 weeks in of test only and want to add the deca next week. thats why im now asking about cc and multi injections
So that is easy. Just inject every 3.5 days. 300mg of Test and 150mg of Deca. That is .75ml and .50ml of Test and Deca respectively for a total of 1.25ml each injection.
I would highly recommend getting at least one more injection site besides Delts. Quads, VG's, and glutes are all good choices although I prefer the first two over glutes.
Also, you shouldn't expect too much from only 300mg of Deca. That is slightly more than what we consider a Therapeutic Dose.
Can you lay out your whole cycle with ancillaries and PCT? What previous cycles have you run? And what are your stats and age?