How many CC's are cool to pin in the quads?


New member
First time pinning a second compound on top of test (npp). Didn't think about how much more volume it was going to be. Tonight I pinned almost 2.5 CC's and it wasn't exactly fun.

I've never pinned anywhere besides quads. I have big legs and there is virtually no pain, ever. Not flexible enough to really even reach my own glutes ***128513;

Should I split the shot up and pin both legs?
Go to it tells you how much volume can be out into different muscles.

How often are you pinning your NPP?

You should not have to split up the shot for just 2.5ml. that really isn't that much.

You will need more sites though to rotate through. I recommend delts and ventroglutes. Glutes are good too if you are flexible or someone can help you.
I am an ectomorph and a thin (small guy) I don't spilt my shots until I reach 3 cc. Being my size I don't like more than 2cc in my delts or Pec's. Glutes 3 cc is fine fir me.

To each their own but your size does matter IMOP.

Good luck :)
yea i dont go over 2cc myself.. but you can go up to 3, given that you give the spot 3 weeks in between