How many days a week?


Gettin Stronger!
I am presently on a 2 day on 1 day off routine. I work 2 body parts per day doing abs on off days. I avarage about 4 excercises per body part with a 10-8-6 heavy wieght rep count. My problem is I am still sore when it comes to working that body part again. This cant be good for me as I am obviously not recovering before I work it again. Would I get better results maybee going to a every other day trainning at the same 2 body parts per workout day or go to a everyday one body part 6 days a week. Thanks for your advice and wisdom...killer38....
killer38 said:
I am presently on a 2 day on 1 day off routine. I work 2 body parts per day doing abs on off days. I avarage about 4 excercises per body part with a 10-8-6 heavy wieght rep count. My problem is I am still sore when it comes to working that body part again. This cant be good for me as I am obviously not recovering before I work it again. Would I get better results maybee going to a every other day trainning at the same 2 body parts per workout day or go to a everyday one body part 6 days a week. Thanks for your advice and wisdom...killer38....
I would go with an every other day routine. You shouldn't still be sore from the last time you worked out a specific muscle group. You're obviously not recuperating fully, and therefore, you're not going to make any gains.

Is your caloric and protein intake up to par?

I'm currently on an EOD routine where I train each bodypart once every eight days. Seems to be working nicely.
i think that no matter your routine you might want to get the right rest before hitting that muscle again. if your sore thats great it means your muscles will be growing if your eating right. but if you attempt to tear the muscle fibers (workout) before they are fully healed than your doing more harm than good.