How many mgs caffeine per cup of coffee?

Chicago Made

New member
Let's say you wanted to run 200mgs caffeine daily, how many cups of your average coffee would that be? Anybody have a round-about figure?
I've calculated it all out in the past and tried it. Personally, I didn't feel the same effect from Coffee, Tea, or Sugar Free Energy drink as I did from taking an equivalent amount of Vivran (caffeine tablet). The tab seems to hit harder w/less and have more appetite supression and thermogenesis... could be power of suggestion but it's how I felt... Just my 0.02
Now if your stim sensitive, drinking it maybe the way to go.
im the opposite. i use caffeine pills the majority of the time and dont feel a whole lot from them, but the few times I have had coffee, which provides much less caffeine than a 200mg pill, gets me all jittery and wired. i imagine you just build up a tolerance to them.