How many of you guys do this?


New member
Hey I`m wondering how many of yall shave your arms. I know I sound gay by asking this but, I currently shave my chest and back but, since I`ve been on the juice my arms are getting alot hairier. I have been workin my forearms hard lately and they are really lookin defined but the hair covers up the defined look. I have alot of buddies that do not do the gym thing and they swear that shaving my arms is to much. I`m just wanting a few opinions. Is there more guys doing it than not? Or should I pass on it. I know on shaving my chest alone it really brings out the definition. I`m not a naturally hairy person but, like I said since the Juice my forearms have just really started getting hairy.
Yeah, I had my back waxed the first time and it stayed away for awhile. When it did come back there was less of it. Been meaning to have my chest done. Damn I bet it would hurt like a bitch on your arms though. I been thinking about just buying a good wax kit and letting my wife do it. Anyone do this or yall just get it done?
DO NOT wax your chest - I did it once and it killed - scabs all over - dude - it was the worst thing I ever did.

I "trim" all my hair real short with one of those hair trimmers - salon style like they use on your head.

And fuck your buddies dude, trim your arm hair - chicks dig it - when your getting all the chicks your buddies will shave their hairy arms.

Trimming is the best and works as well as shaving looks-wise
So many pencil neck idiot guys use the stupidest things to validate their masculinity. Just because youre a guy doesnt mean you cant be well groomed.

I "shave" (dipilitories) from head to toe occasinally and keep the armpits and groin trimmed always.

Its your body and your arms. Fuck your stupid friends lame opinions.
Trim my leg hair real short with hair clippers and trim my armpit hair short as well.

Completely shave my arms, and also my stomach. My chest and back have no hair.

I have no concern what other people think about it. The women enjoy rubbing my stomach, chest, arms, and shoulders so that's all im concerned about. Less body hair = less sweat/smell.
Ageed with all the above...I trim girl help s with a razor on my traps know..
She says it beats gettin fur in her mouth !
Down South we got a lot of these old school idea s bout what is and what is not masculine....those same guys think NASCAR drivers are athletes ! Fuck em...then fuck their girl friends.
I prefer a small amount of hair or none. Just make sure its not going to poke us. I hate that!

Ha. I did that once - the chick I was with HATED it - poked the crap out of her - like needles.

How bout some pics, BombShell - I mean, if you are a bombshell, man up and show us pics!!!!
How bout some pics, BombShell

Thanks for the input. Think I use the clippers on my arms.Think I`ll leave the legs alone for now. There not to bad anyway. Got a little fuzz on my belly but the wife likes it so I`ll leave it to. I do keep my groin trimmed though. Wife likes that to.
im silky smooth from my balls up!!!! my wife loves it thats all that matters dont worrk bout ur friends i like seeing every lil tendon and vein in my body!!!:elephant:
I had lazer hair removal. I had my neck , chest and arms done. It was nice till it grew back a few years later. It's not as thick. I trim now I'm always poking my wife. THe trimmer leaves the hair softer than having ad dealing with ingrown hairs. I hated that.
If I had the patience and time to shave those areas with a razor I would. Problem with me is it grows back in 2 days and if I don't reshave it, then it's prickly like my face. So, I stick to a trimmer and just quickly shave it at a #1 level when it gets long so there's no prickly problem. My girl was getting pissed at how my hair would jab her if not shaved.
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I shave my whole upper body. Arms and armpits too. My old dickhead boss was the only one to ever say anything about my arms but he was a sloppy 200lbs at 5-7 so that didnt count. Its a body building thing, if youve never touched a weight in your life, its a little different. Some guys naturally dont grow a bit of hair on their body, does that mean theyre gay?