How much BA and BB to keep prop from crashing


pro powerlifter
I want to make my prop at 200 mg/ml. How much ba and bb should I use to keep it stable? I was thinking 3% ba, 22% bb or something along those lines.
2/20 will work fine. slob 200mg/ml prop prolly gonna hurt like a bitch. but you can try it and if it does just add some more oil and cut it back. most short esters normally dont do well over 100. depends on the person and how they react. i have only heard of one guy saying that prop 200 didnt bother him.
Thanks pullinbig. I've never gotten pain from gear before so I don't think I'm very sensitive to BA or BB. And I'd be willing to deal with a little pain, as long as my gear stays stable.
it aint the solvents that cause thre pain normally. its the hormone crystalizing in your muscle. or sometimes just the ester that bothers folks. short ester gear, like prop, doesnt hold the hormone as long so it can become a sore depot quicker than long ester gear like cyp or enan. plus with long ester gear much higher concentrations are possible pain free with less frquent injects.
pullinbig said:
it aint the solvents that cause thre pain normally. its the hormone crystalizing in your muscle. or sometimes just the ester that bothers folks. short ester gear, like prop, doesnt hold the hormone as long so it can become a sore depot quicker than long ester gear like cyp or enan. plus with long ester gear much higher concentrations are possible pain free with less frquent injects.
Speaking the truth right here.
pullinbig said:
it aint the solvents that cause thre pain normally. its the hormone crystalizing in your muscle. or sometimes just the ester that bothers folks. short ester gear, like prop, doesnt hold the hormone as long so it can become a sore depot quicker than long ester gear like cyp or enan. plus with long ester gear much higher concentrations are possible pain free with less frquent injects.

you know old timer, why don't you just go ahead and make a post about this since you have to explain it every third or fourth post. We have DougE in our corner pocket now that he is a MOD, so I am sure you can sweet talk him into makin it a sticky!!