How much Clen is theraputic level?


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How much Clen & excersize?

What level of clen do you need to use for it to work? It said start off slowly but nothing seemed to happen? But you dont want to take to much and be nonfunctional.
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start at 20-40mcg a day and up the dose 20mcg everyday until you can't deal with the sides (shakes, racing heartbeat..etc) as a woman, don't go over 120mcg per day and no longer than 2 weeks. You might also want to get a thermometer and make sure you body temp doesn't go above 1 degree F over the norm.
with a good clean diet and 30-45 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week, you'll start to see results after the frist week. Thing to remember, this isn't a "crash diet" of any sort that that makes you lose 5 lbs of water weight right off the bat, you'll be elevating the body tempeture from the inside to increase the fat burning potential.
Aczech said:
start at 20-40mcg a day and up the dose 20mcg everyday until you can't deal with the sides (shakes, racing heartbeat..etc)

and like other supps it works assuming diet is in check
JenniferMarie...guess you received your clen with no problems...or did you wind up going the research route?