How much dextrose in 50 size '1' caps


New member
RJH90210: You do 50 size '1' caps at a time with dextrose, right? I assume you've measured how many grams of dextrose fits into the 50 caps so that you can save time. So, how many grams have you measured? I want to see how close our numbers are.

I filled 50 caps today and tampered, but I admit I was a bit lazy. First batch I did I tampered much better. Anyway, I emptied the caps, weighed the dextrose, replaced some dextrose with Oxandrolone, and filled the caps back. But the power didn't fill them all back up this time after tampering.

I figured close enough and I sealed up the caps. When I took the capsule thing apart I realized that a good bit of the dextrose fell into the bottom. Like maybe a few of the gel caps cracked or something; not sure.

Not wanting to waste things, I put all that remaining powder into my hand and dumped it into my mouth. Might have gotten a good dose of hormone from that. lol.

Wish I saved my data from how much the dextrose weighed on my first, perfect batch, not to be confused with my first cellulose batch. Cellulose would have been a great filler except that it has perhaps twice the volume per weight of other things, which makes it inaccurate to use.
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mranak said:
RJH90210: You do 50 size '1' caps at a time with dextrose, right? I assume you've measured how many grams of dextrose fits into the 50 caps so that you can save time. So, how many grams have you measured? I want to see how close our numbers are.

I filled 50 caps today and tapered, but I admit I was a bit lazy. First batch I did I tapered much better. Anyway, I emptied the caps, weighed the dextrose, replaced some dextrose with Oxandrolone, and filled the caps back. But the power didn't fill them all back up this time after tapering.

I figured close enough and I sealed up the caps. When I took the capsule thing apart I realized that a good bit of the dextrose fell into the bottom. Like maybe a few of the gel caps cracked or something; not sure.

Not wanting to waste things, I put all that remaining powder into my hand and dumped it into my mouth. Might have gotten a good dose of hormone from that. lol.

Wish I saved my data from how much the dextrose weighed on my first, perfect batch, not to be confused with my first cellulose batch. Cellulose would have been a great filler except that it has perhaps twice the volume per weight of other things, which makes it inaccurate to use.

OK, first things first. Its TAMPER... not TAPER!! :D

I get 16g of Dextrose in 50 size '1' caps. Now, the trick is the weight of each hormone. Sure you can measure the difference of the two with each hormone and then have all that written down for each go around, but i am too lazy for that. I just used trial and error on the first batches pf each hormone and then wrote that down. I know, no matter what, there will always be some error % so I just use 16g as a start. If my 50mg Drol caps are 48mg and 53mg in some... I'm OK with that.

Now, here is what I use for each hormone based on weight of the powder:

Anavar, Dbol, Tamoxifen - 16.5g Dextrose
Anadrol, Mesterolone - 16g of Dextrose
Winny, Clomid - 16.2g of Dextrose

That's all I cap so that is what I use. Now, one thing is I never do more than batches of 100caps at a time. Any more than that and you chance too much error for comfort.
RJH90210 said:
Now, here is what I use for each hormone based on weight of the powder:

Anavar, Dbol, Tamoxifen - 16.5g Dextrose
So....even though you can only fit 16g of dextrose into the caps, you pretend like you can fit 16.5g into the caps and replace ng of dextrose with n grams of hormone? Is that what you mean?

I appear to have fit 16.6-16.7g of dextrose into 50 of my size '1' caps today. I took 2.5g of dextrose out and added 2.5g of Oxandrolone. Sounds like I maybe should have only taken out perhaps 2g of the dextrose.

The whole reason I used dextrose is that the volume for weight seemed very similar to that of Oxandrolone with my first batch. That was not the case with cellulose, although I suppose that I could have removed perhaps .5*ng of cellulose and added ng of Oxandrolone. But sure of the ratios with that...they are pretty far off of 1:2 was my best estimate.

Thanks for the help. Sorry about misspelling tamper several times.
mranak said:
So....even though you can only fit 16g of dextrose into the caps, you pretend like you can fit 16.5g into the caps and replace ng of dextrose with n grams of hormone? Is that what you mean?

I think what you are asking me is what I do. Like today for instance, i made this:

100 caps of Anavar (var) @ 40mg/each.

4g of Var
33g of Dextrose

So essentially all the Anavar (var) is still getting in those caps equally (with n% error), but i am just adding more Dextrose to make up for the lighter weight of the Var.

Damn, i am confusing myself now.
Yeah okay, I get it. The volume per weight on these things isn't the same, so you add a little more dextrose to make up for the difference. Thanks.

My last batch of Oxandrolone (anavar) was 60mg/cap and I took two/day but today I made it at 50mg/cap and will take it three times/day. How many of those 40mg caps are you going to take/day? Just curious. Do you notice any difference from it?
mranak said:
Yeah okay, I get it. The volume per weight on these things isn't the same, so you add a little more dextrose to make up for the difference. Thanks.

My last batch of Oxandrolone (anavar) was 60mg/cap and I took two/day but today I made it at 50mg/cap and will take it three times/day. How many of those 40mg caps are you going to take/day? Just curious. Do you notice any difference from it?

I'll be taking 2 a day, 80mg with 1.5g of Test E and of course GH (4ius).

Have never tried it, so I thought I would give it a try since I had it lying around the house. Plus, with the test/Gh I hear the synergy is just awesome. As for right now after a few days I can't tell anything yet, but I'll let you know. I'd like to get a bit harder for the end of summer during the last bit of boat season. Madine's got a new GF so that means another hot ass hood ornament on the boat. And I gots to be S-W-O-L-TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! lol

Anyway, how bout you? Why you feel the need for 150mg/d? Not that its wrong, just asking.
RJH90210 said:
Anyway, how bout you? Why you feel the need for 150mg/d? Not that its wrong, just asking.
Didn't notice much from 120mg/day (60mg * 2 caps). That isn't to say that it didn't have an effect.

I'm not having as much luck with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as others that are new to it. That that first cycle everyone has where they gain so much or ANY weight? ha. I'll put on a few pounds in water weight and that's it.

Either my diet really is holding me back or maybe that whole receptor bullshit really is true.
mranak said:
Didn't notice much from 120mg/day (60mg * 2 caps). That isn't to say that it didn't have an effect.

I'm not having as much luck with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as others that are new to it. That that first cycle everyone has where they gain so much or ANY weight? ha. I'll put on a few pounds in water weight and that's it.

Either my diet really is holding me back or maybe that whole receptor bullshit really is true.

Whats wrong with your diet? How can we help?
DirkMoneyshot said:
Whats wrong with your diet? How can we help?
I can't be 100% sure my diet is my main problem, but I think it is suspect.

Maybe I have conflicting goals. I want to be stronger, but I can't get keep bulking. All my old cloths are probably a lost cause, but it just isn't very comfortable carrying around excess fat. With the help of my wife, I've been doing cardio and I am leaning; and I feel better. But my numbers in the gym are going down.

I do have a strong appetite. I do like to eat more frequently.

I see diets posted that say, "have this for meal #1, this for meal #2, etc." Do those guys really eat the same damn meals in the same order day after day? Is that necessary? Couldn't a diet be more like, "this is what you need and here is a selection of foods that can give this to you"?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not asserting anything.

If some disipline in my diet or whatever will help me reach my goals, then I'm willing to do that.

Guess I should start a new thread in the diet forum.

mranak said:
I can't be 100% sure my diet is my main problem, but I think it is suspect.

Maybe I have conflicting goals. I want to be stronger, but I can't get keep bulking. All my old cloths are probably a lost cause, but it just isn't very comfortable carrying around excess fat. With the help of my wife, I've been doing cardio and I am leaning; and I feel better. But my numbers in the gym are going down.

I do have a strong appetite. I do like to eat more frequently.

I see diets posted that say, "have this for meal #1, this for meal #2, etc." Do those guys really eat the same damn meals in the same order day after day? Is that necessary? Couldn't a diet be more like, "this is what you need and here is a selection of foods that can give this to you"?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not asserting anything.

If some disipline in my diet or whatever will help me reach my goals, then I'm willing to do that.

Guess I should start a new thread in the diet forum.


For some people eating the same things everday is easeir - Buying food and preperation .

However yes if you want send me a PM and we can help you get something toegether.

Let you know approx how much at a meal and give you a list to choose from. I have to do this with some clients that require variety.
DirkMoneyshot said:
For some people eating the same things everday is easeir - Buying food and preperation .
thats why i eat the same shit day end and day out when i am trying to cut..easy to remember and set up day to day..
I couldn't decide if I should suspend or cap just 1g of Cialis. Then I realized how much that 1g of Cialis cost me. Anyway, I capped it.

Added 16.4g of dextrose to the 1g of Cialis, actually. Lost a bit that fell between the caps again. I've had the caps in a bonus room that needs to have the air conditioning fixed ... I wonder if the caps shrunk a little from the heat which very much exceeds 100 degrees lately.

Anyway, that's 20g of Cialis per cap. Took one about a half hour ago.

Thanks everyone.
DirkMoneyshot said:
For some people eating the same things everday is easeir - Buying food and preperation .

However yes if you want send me a PM and we can help you get something toegether.

Let you know approx how much at a meal and give you a list to choose from. I have to do this with some clients that require variety.
That makes sense. I guess I've seen so much of, "this is the exact diet you should eat" so many times (and each time the diet is different) that I got turned off from those kind of posts.

I really appreciate this offer from you and I would be a complete fool to not take advantage of it.

I'm actually not all that opposed to eating the same foods, but I do have some preferences. For example, a can of tuna is cheaper and easier than a 10oz sirloin steak so if they are equivalent (not sure if they are), then I just assume go with the tuna.

Well, that's enough of my babbling for now.
Okay, well...that 20mg cap of Cialis was taken well over an hour ago. So far....nothing.

I promise, no PEG was used.
mranak said:
Okay, well...that 20mg cap of Cialis was taken well over an hour ago. So far....nothing.

I promise, no PEG was used.

i tell you, when i cap Cialis.. it works, but it takes a while longer than the liquid version. That's why I suggested it. I just cap some if we are going out of town and I don't want to carry liquid and droppers.

As for your diet, take up Dirk on his offer. I eat the same exact things every day cause:

1. Its easier to prep each day.
2. Its a shit load cheaper.
3. I'm a picky eater so its easy in that regard.
4. The only variance I make is when I have cheat meals, but I make them small enough that I can still pick up my surrounding meals.

But like Dirk said, there is tons of variety to choose from. And feel free to PM me also with any questions. I'm no nutritionist liek Dirk, but all the info you can get helps.