how much soreness after injecting


New member
i injected my first shot of test prop into my quad on saturday...25g- 1" , 1ml of test prop(underground). its now sunday night, adn my thigh hurts a lot. it looks fine, but i cant bend my legs ll the way, and i almost have ot limp when i walk. is thsi normal?
prop is natorious for pain. the prop i have is like injecting gasoline. if u start to see swelling and it feels warm/hot to the touch then u should seek medical attention. i usually wait 1 week after i injected to see if the pain/swelling goes away, and if not u need some antibiotics.
shaggz said:
i injected my first shot of test prop into my quad on saturday...25g- 1" , 1ml of test prop(underground). its now sunday night, adn my thigh hurts a lot. it looks fine, but i cant bend my legs ll the way, and i almost have ot limp when i walk. is thsi normal?
shaggz said:
i injected my first shot of test prop into my quad on saturday...25g- 1" , 1ml of test prop(underground). its now sunday night, adn my thigh hurts a lot. it looks fine, but i cant bend my legs ll the way, and i almost have ot limp when i walk. is thsi normal?

Don't worry about it, that's expected with prop. I find that the pain goes down considerably after the first few shots of prop in a cycle. In the meantime, hot showers, heating pads, saunas, and hot tubs are your friend. And stay away from leg shots with prop until you get comfortable with them. I always stick with shoulders and top of the ass with them.
Prop sucks as far as I'm concerned. That was the first shit I ever tried and it was like I took a 95 mph fastball right in the thigh. At no time did I think it was an infection, abcess, etc; as after reading all the other horror stories about prop just realized shit isn't made for my pussy system. I had a hard time putting my pants on and the dogs jumping on my lap made me nearly faint, LOL.

I switched to Test Cyp ( 250ml ) and never knew I'd injected anything and had a very nice, first cycle. I gave away the prop to a friend who can inject paint thinner into himself and not feel it ....