How much time between oral and injectible cycles


Hey gang, I'm half way through my 6 week helladrol cycle and so far so good. I am thinking about my next cycle and am planning a 12-15 week test e cycle. My question is since my second cycle is gonna be test only no orals, do I have to wait any specific amount of time after my oral cycle till my first pin?
Why not just start tes now. ???

Ur already on cycle?? U could wait 8/9 wks AFTER pct to start up again or just start the inj now.

Get some hcgenerate and DAA to keep those boys producing T tho
asa general rule bro: time on + pct = time off.

blood work will tell you everything, but I would look to take nice breaks between your cycles.

Like Gymrat said you could start the test now and carry on with the helladrol you already running, then just run your PCT when the test is finished.
The sarms triple stack is incredible. It has definitely changed the game. I can retain the majority of my gains after a cycle using it. Dylan laid out a sick bridge for you here