how much to take


New member
How much of my powder steroids to take for first time? estimation. my steroids are white/brown and very,very fine consistency, not sure exactly what they are, but my friend gave them to me. i am 227 lbs 5'11" 36 y/o.
my little 14 y/o cousin who weighs more then me (230 lbs, 6'0")got in to the steroids, little idiot, i so kindly labeled them steroids for myself and he gets into the kitchen cabinet, sees this powdered stuff, reads the label and thinks "oh awesome steroids, and takes 2 table spoons in a glass of apple juice
sugercult_1993 said:
my little 14 y/o cousin who weighs more then me (230 lbs, 6'0")got in to the steroids, little idiot, i so kindly labeled them steroids for myself and he gets into the kitchen cabinet, sees this powdered stuff, reads the label and thinks "oh awesome steroids, and takes 2 table spoons in a glass of apple juice

You guys are from Arkansas aren't you??? Either that or youre all completely brain dead! :shoot2:
it's creatine monohydrate. i got it in a deer park bottle full of the powder. no i am not brain dead and im from Virginia. anyways how much should i take (first time) and what could that dosage have done to him? A website lists you should eat roughly 20-30 grams of high GI carbohydrates, preferable glucose, which is also known as dextrose. Where can i find these levels of dextrose? Preferably sodas, sugar, etc... you know the easy places to find some.
also i have heard that you should take, at my weight 8 grams 30 minutes before working out. how many tablespoons is that roughly
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well first off your a fucking moron, creatine monohydrate and powdered steroids are 2 totally different things... there like the difference between a 1989 Honda Civic and a 2007 Chevy Corvette Z06, hard to confuse if you have half a brain...

as for how much to take... a heaping teaspoon full is approximately 5 grams

and nothing will happen to your 14 year old cousin... its CREATINE
good point, not a fucking moron tho, my iq is 119, and big deal, i was told one thing then another, and i do own a 2007 corvette so... yeah i think i know the difference now, thanks for dosage instruction, and cool.
simply from the way you have just been wording your questions and the amazing lack of knowledge you have about steroids, i can guarantee that your IQ is not 119 and that you don't own a Corvette

i'm done here, you're simply wasting my time
5 bucks says hes not 36 and hes the 14 year old and bought the supp from a store thinking it was crazy shit or even worse, got fucked over by someone at school.
Hmmm Sugarcult 1993??? funny that... 1993 if that was your birthday that would make you..... 14 strange that...

And wouldnt your 'Powdered Creatine Steroids' have a guidline on dosages?

Anyway my main point Dont Forget Your PCT.
93, when my son was born, get your facts straight, and yes it's 07 not 87, yes its a vette a camaro was my first and yes it is 119 (my iq)

5 bucks says hes not 36 and hes the 14 year old and bought the supp from a store thinking it was crazy shit or even worse, got fucked over by someone at school.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------graduated a long time ago. and not really