How much WATER do you drink daily?

I can't get much more than 1-2L of water down a day. I want to be drinking 4L (1 gallon), but I find it almost impossible.

I just cant drink something without taste, but I'm trying to train myself to do it.


I drink about 1.75 gallons of water a day, I have one of those 64 ounce drinks from stop and go, and I genereally drink three and a half of those and use a container of sweet and low.

Sorry about being crude but the worst part is taking a half gallon piss at 4 am in the morning when you have an erection, but I sware water gives me alot more energy, probably means my diet is too carb heavy.
I also take in 2 shakes a day of 50-60g of protein, & a glass of OJ and a glass of 2% MILK, chocolate when I'm depressed!!!

Can someone explain to me why you would drink such a god awful amount of water. I realize the benifits of drinking water over drinking none, but a gallon? What does it do? Can someone explain this please.
Re: Explain

Achilles said:
Can someone explain to me why you would drink such a god awful amount of water. I realize the benifits of drinking water over drinking none, but a gallon? What does it do? Can someone explain this please.

Hey Achilles, here's an article that I think you will find helpful. :)

Water Works Wonders (condensed from Parade by Leroy Perry Jr.)

Next to air, water is the substance most necessary for our survival. a normal adult is about 60-70 percent water. We can go without food for almost two months but without water only a few days.
Yet most people have no idea how much water they should drink. In fact, may live in a dehydrated state.
Without water we'd be poisoned to death by our own waste products. When the kidneys remove uric acid and urea, these must be dissolved in water. If there isn't enough water, wastes are not removed as effectively and may build up as kidney stones. Water is also vital as a medium for chemical reactions in digestion and metabolism. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood and helps to cool the body through perspiration. Water also lubricates our joints.
We even need water to breathe. Our lungs must be moist to take in oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. We lose a pint of water each day just exhaling.
so, if you think you don't drink enough water, you can impair every aspect of your physiology. Dr. Howard Flaks, a bariatic specialist says, "by not drinking enough water, many people incur excess bodyfat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and muscle soreness and water retention:.

Let me grab my coffee and I'll finish in a second. :)
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Second Part of Water Works Wonders

Water retention? If you're not drinking enough water, our body may retain to compensate. Paradoxically, fluid retention can sometimes be eliminated by simply drinking more water, not less.
"Proper water intake is a key to weight loss" says Dr. Donald Robertson. "If people who are trying to lose weight don't drink enough water, the body can't metabolize the fat adequately. Retaining fluid also keeps weight up"
"The minimum for a healthy person is ten, eight ounce glasses a day", says Dr. Flaks. "You need more if you exercise a lot or live in a hot climate. And overweight people should drink an extra glass for every twenty five pounds they exceed their ideal weight. Consult your own physician for his recommendations"
At the International Sports Medicine Institute, we have a formula for water intake: one half ounce per pound of body weight if you're not active.(that's 10 eight ounce glasses if you weigh 160lbs)
and two thirds ounce per pound if you're athletic(14 glasses per day, if you're at the same weight)
Your water intake should be spread throughout the day. You may wonder, if I drink more, won't I constantly be running to the bathroom. At first, yes. But after a few weeks, your bladder tends to adjust and you urinate less frequently but in larger amounts.
And by consuming those ten glasses of water during the day, you could be on your way to a healthier, leaner body.
Achilles said:
Thanks Fyre. It was indeed helpful, exxcuse me while I grab a glass of water.

You're welcome. I'm glad it was helpful.
You know, once you get in the habit of drinking that much, your body almost craves it. I have no trouble at all drinking 6-8 liters a day.:)
a gallon minimum per day and this doesn't count the water i use for my shakes!!! once you are used to it is feels funny without it!!
Im with you on that one Sonis.. I feel all dizzy and total dehydration if I dont get at LEAST a gallon, always more though.