how often can you inject in the same place

DocJ said:
Just make sure you don't get too high on the thigh b/c you don't want to inject into the tensor fascia lata...ouch.
Good point! The medical documentation tends to indicate that the top 1/3 and the bottom 1/3 should be avoided for various reasons.
GatorFB21 said:
really no fresh receptors? fu king wack ass advice from this guy

It's funny because most of the true reliable information I've gotten about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) has come from the internet. Most of the things I've been told in person are either completely untrue or greatly exaggerated.
LiftTillIDie said:
It's funny because most of the true reliable information I've gotten about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) has come from the internet. Most of the things I've been told in person are either completely untrue or greatly exaggerated.

I know what you mean. The guys at the Gym told me to only do 200mg of deca for 8 weeks and to never mix deca and test in the same needle. He also suggested a deca only cycle.
thunderdman said:
I know what you mean. The guys at the Gym told me to only do 200mg of deca for 8 weeks and to never mix deca and test in the same needle. He also suggested a deca only cycle.

I was also suggested this by retards when I first started thinking about cycling.
No no no!!!

lately when i have been doing shots i have been pushing almost jabbing it in like a dart, fast. i do not even feel it, if i was watching tv and someone else did it i would not even notice it. going slow really grosses me out for some strange reason. is this bad?

anyone else like this too

Dude this is extremely dangerous man, the reason why you go slow is to avoid hitting a nerve, and your basically risking everything by just jabbing it in?! please man take my advice you really dont want to do that bro trust me. you will FUCK YOURSELF UP BIGTIME.