how old were you when you did your first cycle?


how old were you? what did you use and for how long? who got you into it/you got you it? how long did you research before hitting that first pin?

what were the results? what was your experience? surprised? amazed? how many times a day were you fucking your girl?

did you fuck up somewhere along the lines? how was it when you first pinned them virgin muscles with some anabolic steroids mane?

AND FINALLY..... if you could go back to that first cycle, what would you do different?
d bol only..strength and size came alarmingly fast and went as fast 3 time s in 6 month s lol

1 st pin
Junior in college--that cycle lasted for the better part of 8 yr s..jus saying..

I ve been addicted to crack since I hit it in 8 th grade so that s moot

Different ? Waited till Grad school
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how old were you? what did you use and for how long? who got you into it/you got you it? how long did you research before hitting that first pin?

what were the results? what was your experience? surprised? amazed? how many times a day were you fucking your girl?

did you fuck up somewhere along the lines? how was it when you first pinned them virgin muscles with some anabolic steroids mane?

AND FINALLY..... if you could go back to that first cycle, what would you do different?

You ask a lot of questions.....are you a cop?

I remember it like it was yesterday I was 20 years 167 days 17 minutes and 21 seconds. It was about to rain,there was even a tornado warning!!! I got my syringes from a local junkie his name was biff. I wasn't fuckin my girl much but I was fuckin everyone else's girls.... even more than before.

If I could go back I would of changed my socks I wore the same ones for 24 years 127 days 47 minutes and 14 seconds.

Why are you starting threads after someone else dis a couple hrs before on the same shit? You even posted in the other thread...
I was 23, got duped by a so called buddy who sold me a test injection (1ml each) 100$ lol. After confonting him he gave me the whole vial , apologized and made a cycle for me which was worst. So that was, test e 400mg a week with dbol injections 4 times a week, i blew up on those, took it for a month before i did my own research , ended up here got help and did pct!
18, had been training since 15, had a break when I turned 18 for about 6 months and first day back whilst 18 during the winter I started 250mg of Primoteston E6D with 1mg Adex MWF for 10 weeks... gained 12kg kept 8kg after PCT, went back on 6 weeks post PCT.

Ahhhh, low doses work so well for me I love it
i was 23.. was fed up because i had very low test levels from my labs at 21 and 23.. so i decided to take the plunge..

didn't get on trt till i was 30 though.. but i knew it was coming
I was 6 years old got tired of being bullied and became the biggest kid in my school. I never recovered after my first cycle of tren and dbol only and was on trt by the age of 7
I was 6 years old got tired of being bullied and became the biggest kid in my school. I never recovered after my first cycle of tren and dbol only and was on trt by the age of 7
very valid reason i think. Nothing worst that going to class wearing Daffy Duck tennis shoes and having kids that age pick on you.