how the hell!!


New member
ok, little off the subject here but here goes..i have been as low as 7%bf and at that time i did a shitload of cardio, question is how does a guy get those ripped abs!!i am right now about 8%bf good diet, cardio, and my stomach is average.any suggestions here would be great please, workouts for abs, how much cardio ect...:confused:
ive heard that your abs have a lot to do with your genetics. some people have really defined abs and some, like you and me, just have average abs. im really curious to learn an ab routine that might help me combat the "average abs".
Drop more bodyfat. For some people, the stomach is the last place fat comes off. i guess it has to do with each individuals pattern of fat distribution.
dodah said:
ok, little off the subject here but here goes..i have been as low as 7%bf and at that time i did a shitload of cardio, question is how does a guy get those ripped abs!!i am right now about 8%bf good diet, cardio, and my stomach is average.any suggestions here would be great please, workouts for abs, how much cardio ect...:confused:

Seeing what your diet really looked like would help out a lot in answering your question.
Are you holding a lot of water. Do you eat a lot of sodium.

I remember when I was 19 or so and was about 7%bf. I still could not see my abs because of all the sodium that I was taking in. I was holding so much water that it covered all my abs!

So like Biggie said, diet is probably the big reason!!
Also, if you want your abs to stick out more, try doing resistance exercises for abs. Use weavy weight for abs and work them out like you would work out any of your other muscles.
crazymike said:
Are you holding a lot of water. Do you eat a lot of sodium.

I remember when I was 19 or so and was about 7%bf. I still could not see my abs because of all the sodium that I was taking in. I was holding so much water that it covered all my abs!

So like Biggie said, diet is probably the big reason!!

The bad thing about sodium is that it is in everything that is processed, and they load it down in processed food. So, to lower sodium down to where it should be, you shuld eat just fresh stuff. While I am bulking now, so I am not to concerned, but when I start cutting it is gonna be difficult.
thanks guys, my diet is good but i looked it over and the sodium is high, just more disipline i think..
Dieting is definatley the key. It is also important not to overwork your abs. I think it is best to hit your abs twice a week, hitting them extreamly hard on those days. Just my opinion but that always gave me better results than doing a million situps ED.
I'm NOT a big supporter of this bro, however...I have heard good things from others!


Works well for many for the last "stubborn" fat around the abs. Give it a try.

Hope it works well for you (it didn't do a whole lot for me but I seem to be in the minority)