how to eat eggs if u hate them


New member
i hate eggs especially the white part anysuggestions cuz i never eat eggs hellllllllllllp.........
i hate them to. What I do is take 2 eggs break them and pour the entire thing into a cup. Take a fork and stir it till it is completely mixed. Then take a glass of orange juice in one hand and eggs in the other. Take a sip of the eggs (not too much so you dont gag) and bring it down with OJ then do it again. I usually drink 2 jumbo sized eggs in 2 gulps. Hope it helps!
if milk is ok, then an orange julius uses raw eggs i think.. theyre dam tasty too! ... if im eating hard boiled eggs (which i am here) then ill put salt and pepper, or some tobasco sauce, some salsa is good... ketchup, mustard... there isnt to much taste to the white so you can add lots of stuff to make it taste better...
I LOVE eggs!!!
have you tried putting salsa on them? low fat grated cheese?(depending on goals). cottage cheese on top is great too. how about a veggie omlet? heck I even put peanut butter on my eggs.. but im weird too. lol
eggs make me gag no matter how i eat them, however if i mix them with something to trick my brain it works best, here's how from a fellow egg hater:

-fry eggs, stir or seperate parts as you wish
-once done (cook well if you hate the gooiness) put in a plate
-put alot of salt on the eggs, parsley or other herbs to mask the taste, works great.
-take your favorite bread and pinch portions off your plate with the bread. Consume small amounts at a time to allow saliva to bread down the eggs, if you have done it right you should taste the herbs and spices over the eggs and you will not gag.
-have a bevrage handy to wash it down.
Eggs have Samonelia bacteria in them and in if they arent cooked can lead to Samonelia poisoning ( food poisoning). If you want to drink eggs i suggest a egg product like EGG WHITES its pasturized and safe to consume without cooking. Just try alittle ketchup on your eggs , ive been eating my egg whites for the past 10 yrs like that .
i like to make scrambled eggs and throw them inbetween 2 pieces of bread, with some suasage or bacon in the middle. I hate eating them straight
Depending on your goals, a little meat chopped up w/ scrambled eggs helps a lot. I have been getting used to eggs over time. Still don't like them though!
I love eggs too! I have a carton of eggwhites with one whole egg every morning. Sometimes I'll have that again in the evening as well. I like to make omelettes but I love them scrambled too with some hot salsa on the top. Yummy!:)
Popichulo said:
Egg yolk is pure fat bro!
are you sure , i know its where most if not all the egg fats are stored but i remember reading somewhere that there are some amino acids in the yolk that arent in the whites . thats why adding 1 or 2 whole eggs to a bunch of whites adds taste , texture , and nutrition
lately when i eat my whiets (from boiled eggs) ill mix tobasco and ketsup and i dip my whites in there... adds a little flavor...

i think all the eggs ive been eatin are givin me wicked gas
Egg Yolk Nutritional Information
The yolk or yellow portion makes up about 33% of the liquid weight of the egg. It contains all of the fat in the egg and a little less than half of the protein.

With the exception of riboflavin and niacin, the yolk contains a higher proportion of the egg's vitamins than the white. All of the egg's vitamins A, D and E are in the yolk. Egg yolks are one of the few foods naturally containing vitamin D.

The yolk also contains more phosphorus, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, and calcium than the white, and it contains all of the zinc. The yolk of a Large egg contains about 59 calories.

It is the yolk which is responsible for the egg's emulsifying properties.

EDIT: This is from
thorsky said:
Egg Yolk Nutritional Information
The yolk or yellow portion makes up about 33% of the liquid weight of the egg. It contains all of the fat in the egg and a little less than half of the protein.

With the exception of riboflavin and niacin, the yolk contains a higher proportion of the egg's vitamins than the white. All of the egg's vitamins A, D and E are in the yolk. Egg yolks are one of the few foods naturally containing vitamin D.

The yolk also contains more phosphorus, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, and calcium than the white, and it contains all of the zinc. The yolk of a Large egg contains about 59 calories.

It is the yolk which is responsible for the egg's emulsifying properties.

EDIT: This is from
thanks for the info bro , good post
I make shakes with one container of eggwhites (no fat), cottage cheese, milk and protein powder. And peanut butter sometimes :D
throw them into your salads--hard boiled of course, or make omelettes with feta and spinach, or mix them into your pasta. Eggs can be buried in many dishes and you can almost forget that you are eating them.