how to eat eggs if u hate them

Insane_Man said:
I make shakes with one container of eggwhites (no fat), cottage cheese, milk and protein powder. And peanut butter sometimes :D


i'll try that but with out the peanut butter.
I dont like eggs. But sometimes I eat them for breakfast.

My recipe.

Whole carton of egg beaters (6 Eggs)
Paprika (Good amount)
(Fake bacon)

Blend with egg beaters

Scramble them.

Top with paprika.

And dip with ketchup.
You eat them raw and you can get a nasty case of the SHITS!!!!
Ran out of protien powder one night & did 12 raw eggs on 2 seperate breaks...think I shit 5-6 times that night:(lol!
Egg whites and spray PAM on the pan & add onions or mushrooms(I hate these),or sweet peppers,the orange & yellow ones,black pepper,even Mrs.Dash is great!
Fuck if dieting was easy we could all eat ice cream so remember why you live not live to eat.
this is what i do. for breakfast!! 4 egg whites 1 scoop of splurge chocalate chip protein from and 1/2 cup oatmeal. mix all together in a bowl. take a skillet spray with Pam and make a pancake... it is very yummy and you will not taste any eggs. i also put sugar free syrup on it... very tasty...
not at all it is chocalate chip vanilla !! its very good any protein really works i guess i just like the splurge kind for cooking
DADAWG said:
are you sure , i know its where most if not all the egg fats are stored but i remember reading somewhere that there are some amino acids in the yolk that arent in the whites . thats why adding 1 or 2 whole eggs to a bunch of whites adds taste , texture , and nutrition

couldnt be more right.

i dont hate eggs....but i'm just sick of them. So i try to be creative with what i top them with. Ketchup is a good cover up.
t.t said:
this is what i do. for breakfast!! 4 egg whites 1 scoop of splurge chocalate chip protein from and 1/2 cup oatmeal. mix all together in a bowl. take a skillet spray with Pam and make a pancake... it is very yummy and you will not taste any eggs. i also put sugar free syrup on it... very tasty...

...:) it sounds very tasty...i will try! :)
t.t said:
this is what i do. for breakfast!! 4 egg whites 1 scoop of splurge chocalate chip protein from and 1/2 cup oatmeal. mix all together in a bowl. take a skillet spray with Pam and make a pancake... it is very yummy and you will not taste any eggs. i also put sugar free syrup on it... very tasty...

What brand of Chocalate chip protein????
There is a cookbook called The Good Egg it has many great egg recipes and the majority of them are delicious.
I have always hated eggs. A while back a friend who was in the same situation mentioned that adding a ton of cheddar cheese when making scrambled eggs, throwing in some hotsauce, and putting some salt and pepper on them makes them pretty darn good.
usually i chug my egg whites (pasturized from the carton) and immediately after i have my protein shake followed by some oatmeal

otherwise ill usually have a slice of whole wheat bread after the egg whites

it aint that bad!
I love eggs myself in all forms ecspecially poached, but u might wanna try frying some rice up and adding scrambled eggs in it all minced up if u dont like the taste to much, or throw some eggs it in your whey protein shake it makes it taste more wholesome.
stunner5000pt said:
usually i chug my egg whites (pasturized from the carton)

I do this sometimes too. Cheap and fast and really no taste.
I also just toss whole eggs into my shakes now and then.