how to eat eggs if u hate them

I am lucky enough to like eggs. But I do mix it up by adding salsa, or low fat cheese, that hot dog is a pretty goods idea though. I will try that.
This is my first post so go easy on me peops :afro:

I have 4 eggs break them into a blender use 2 whole eggs 2 egg white.The fats in the yellow contain more essential fats needed in the body than bad fats so its not all bad.

I then add half a cup to a full cup of oatmeal and blend the lot together untill its smooth consistancy-no bits.more blending

Then i add half a cup to a full cup of semmiskimmed milk depending on how thick i want the shake or how hungry i am in the morning.same aplies to oats.lil bit more blending

Then add some ground cineman-ground nutmeg-vanilla essences-honey all for taste n flavour.last bit of short blending.

Goes down a treat...

PS i used to also add some low fat ice cream even yogourt-but pick and change as your please obviously with all ingrediants.
Try holding your nose when drinking them. Dont let go till their down though. Doing this when drinking or eating something stops you from getting a taste, until you let go that is.

Hey it worked for me. After a while it got so use to the mild after taste that i could just drink them like water. :)
thats works because in order for your taste buds to be able to taste anything, your sense of scent must work, so if u hold ur nose, ur taste buds cant pick up what ur nose is smelling, therefor, u cant taste wat you eat.... so yea holding ur nose would work, but soon as u let go of ur nose ull get the after taste
benefit said:
i hate eggs especially the white part anysuggestions cuz i never eat eggs hellllllllllllp.........

Salsa is about the only thing that help IMO....that or you could try and start taking them intra-anusly hahahaa.....cough. ahem.......nevermind. Im going back to the convo.
If you are eating 6 to 12 egg whites every morning for breakfast, it can get extremly hard because naturally they dont taste the best esspecially if you are eating them in high quanities. I usually do 8 ex large egg whites every morning.....go buy a MAGIC BULLET (you may have seen them on TV) but those things are amazing, i use mine nonstop. I put all my whites in there and blend them....makes for much fluffier eggs. I have a bad gag reflex so I have to delute them with something to give them carolina, i ofter do salsa with pepper. I like a Katsup and tobascco too. Throw a peice of cheese in the mix and it helps big time. cheesy eggs taste way better than reg eggs.
To mix things up a bit i like to make baked eggs! About twice a week i'll do this to change the pace up. Might not be the best for cutting but it's knowing the basics and how to improve on this tasty food to your taste.

1-Put 4 eggs in a bowl and pop the yolks with a fork. (They will blow up in the microwave if you dont)
2-mix in 2 tbl spoons worshire sauce(cant spell) 1 tea spoon butter, 2tbl spoons milk, parsley, pepper, salt, tobasco and what ever spices you may like. Dont go overbord either.
3-Wrap the bowl with paper towel making sure the top is covered and cook for 2:30 sec. Pull out and look at the contents. Might want to add more time. Depends on how runny you want them.

Sounds weird but a friend of mine told me about this and now i am hooked on baked eggs.
my egg recipes..

1. take a small bowl or tourine and cover the bottom with a thin layer of cream, ad a tsp of butter and garlic and put in the oven until the butter and cream start to bubble a little, then add two eggs, or just the whites, top with a dash of thyme and cook until mostly solid. yum!

2. wisk three eggs with a tsp of salsa and/or some taco seasoning and set aside. grind up some chorizo (mexican sausage) and fry in frying pan... ad egg mixture and scramble. top with fresh cilantro.
i just went and took a look in the fridge. i wanted to check out what kind of protein eggs provide. unfortunately, there is no nutrition label on my eggs. i was just curious about how beneficial eggs are. because if some of you guys eat that many eggs, when you hate them so much, they must have a ton of protein. but i never knew they were that good for you. fill me in!
dont eat the yolk, one egg yolk has about 70% of cholestrol for a average man.

fastest way to eat whites is to hardboil them and eat like 15 at a time with water. they are slippery and go down extra ez
I don't like eggs, but scrambled, with tons of cheddar and ham, throw some salt and pepper on there, its pretty fucking good.
Tafman said:
dont eat the yolk, one egg yolk has about 70% of cholestrol for a average man.

which might matter if dietary cholesterol had any impact on arterial cholesterol, or if RDA's were anything but arbitrary numbers irrelevant to most people who train.

dont eat the yolk, one egg yolk has about 70% of cholestrol for a average man.

fastest way to eat whites is to hardboil them and eat like 15 at a time with water. they are slippery and go down extra ez
fuk dat yolk the best part
rocky balboa style....a glass-full of raw eggs every morning!! the breakfast of champions! next to steroids that is!!