How to get accurate testosterone level results

I fast for every blood test to have the same reference point for comparison. It's really important for lipids, glucose serum, and can affect natural test levels but I'd fast if it were me.
So I went today and the doctor I saw refused to test LH, FSH, E2 and everything else besides testosterone. This kinda sucks because once I mentioned them she asked if I had taken AAS, I obviously denied, so she went on to say "then there is no need to test those"

I should have just used the "I took some prohormones without knowing what they were" approach..... kicking myself right now.

I guess I'll just have to get another one done through privatemedlabs, not a big deal really

but if my test levels come back normal is it really necessary to get everything else tested? Can all that other stuff still be messed up?
Wondering how long it would take to get my test levels over 1500... I want to make sure everything is legit with my gear.

I'm currently 2 1/2 weeks into my cycle. I'm currently pinning 300 mg of test e 2 times a week. I'm also pinning 250 iu of HCG twice a week (not sure if this will have a significant effect on my endogenous production?) and taking dbol at 25 mg Ed in split doses (not sure if this has any effects on the levels of T in my blood?).

I was ignorant to the fact that I could get labs without a requisition from my doc, so I don't have a base to compare to. Last time I had my T checked was in Feb and it was high (1200), not sure why. Tried to get my doc to check again before I started my cycle, but she refused saying insurance wouldn't cover it.

I'm assuming even if my baseline was still on the high side, an over 1500 would be enough to confirm my gear? Was planning on going with the female panel to make sure my E is in check as this is my first cycle and would rather save the $48. I am on an AI, just want to make sure my levels aren't too high or too low.

Or would it make more sense to do the total test to confirm my gear (want to get results back before I pop my next vial, week 5) and save the female for later in the cycle (Say week 7 or 8 of 14)?

Much appreciated!
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Wondering how long it would take to get my test levels over 1500... I want to make sure everything is legit with my gear.

I'm currently 2 1/2 weeks into my cycle. I'm currently pinning 300 mg of test e 2 times a week. I'm also pinning 250 iu of HCG twice a week (not sure if this will have a significant effect on my endogenous production?) and taking dbol at 25 mg Ed in split doses (not sure if this has any effects on the levels of T in my blood?).

I was ignorant to the fact that I could get labs without a requisition from my doc, so I don't have a base to compare to. Last time I had my T checked was in Feb and it was high (1200), not sure why. Tried to get my doc to check again before I started my cycle, but she refused saying insurance wouldn't cover it.

I'm assuming even if my baseline was still on the high side, an over 1500 would be enough to confirm my gear? Was planning on going with the female panel to make sure my E is in check as this is my first cycle and would rather save the $48. I am on an AI, just want to make sure my levels aren't too high or too low.

Or would it make more sense to do the total test to confirm my gear (want to get results back before I pop my next vial, week 5) and save the female for later in the cycle (Say week 7 or 8 of 14)?

Much appreciated!

Mid cycle bloods are typically done around the 6-8wk mark for more of a peak reading. At 2.5wks you should be able to tell if the gear has any test in it but not long enough to determine if it's extremely weakly dosed or decently dosed IMO. Dbol won't affect test levels. >1500 will tell you that it has hormones in the solution but not enough to tell if underdosed or not. Personally I'd wait till wk 6, get a basic female hormone panel for all the important values and also the sensitive assay testosterone for values >1500
It looks like they raised the price of the low T test to $69. Is this correct? Also, the link in the beginning no longer works. This sucks I was getting ready to order the test. Is there any where else to go to get a sensitive test?
It looks like they raised the price of the low T test to $69. Is this correct? Also, the link in the beginning no longer works. This sucks I was getting ready to order the test. Is there any where else to go to get a sensitive test?

They might have raised prices. Haven't checked in a while. Just search personal labs or privatemdlabs for sensitive assay total testosterone or testosterone for hypogonadal males.
I noticed that there was a free (available) testosterone test available for $45 is this what you guys are talking about? Does anyone ever use this one?
Hey Doc,

Hey had a q. Was on test E and labs 8 weeks into cycle told me gear was severely under dosed (t was around 600 and I was completely shut down) I was advised to get on HCG and prop stat. After being burned with the E I'm concerned about the legitimacy of my P. Was wondering, how long would it take (been injecting 100 mg e1.5d) to get my blood levels up (>1500) to tell if the gear is legit. I'm currently a week in, (between pin 5 and 6) and am planning on getting a female hormone panel. When would it be appropriate to do so? If this is bunk (honestly haven't seen anything going on w libido) I want to get on Nolva stat.

I'm on my first cycle currently and like everyone else was curious about if it was possible to get accurate testosterone level numbers instead of the dreaded >1500. This is what I did to get it to work and you can see in the pics below that the privatemdlabs panel showed >1500 and the other panel reads 2834.6 ng/dL. Both panels were taken the same day, same time, same labcorp location, and with the same 21G needle lol. I'll also give you a few different options you can choose from depending on what panels and values you want to get.

*Mods If I cannot talk about another company besides privatemdlabs or our new sponsor, I apologize and edit out my post but otherwise sorry for the long read and here's how (skip to the bottom if you just want to see how quickly lol):

During my research I came across evidence that the results were dictated by which state the company that you payed to get your blood requisition form resides in and for some reason any company based out of Florida gave the real values. The company whose name I saw mentioned was personal labs. I looked up their info and sure enough they were based out of Florida so I figured I'd give it a shot. I still got the female hormone panel on privatemdlabs for reasons which will be clear later and I picked a testosterone panel with thyroid values from personal labs and paid for it. This is where it gets tricky, I no longer think it has to do with the state. I saw codes for a panel that was going to be run on both requisitions so it got me thinking and searching for answers and now I believe you can get your actual serum test levels from any company, any labcorp location, any state, and any regional lab (though the test for the actual testosterone numbers will usually be sent out to a different lab than the rest of the panels). I'm pretty sure the results of the test are only based on which panel code is requested and the number you're looking for is 070001. A quick search of privatemdlabs turns up it has this code BUT I HAVEN'T TRIED IT. I stuck with personal labs bc they were cheaper.

So on privatemdlabs you can search for code 070001 OR look for this test Testosterone, Total - Women, Children, and Hypogonadal Males, LC/MS-MS its $59.99 for the test (again didn't try it personally but it should work). Under the description you'll see it say That part is key. With this panel you'll only get actual total serum testosterone values (not >1500 result) and nothing else.

On personal labs they have 2 tests with this code. Searching by code number didn't work for me but going under male health tests (have to click on it twice sometimes to get the vertical list) you'll see Low T (Testosterone) Profile for $48. The description says The key part. With this panel you'll get only actual total serum testosterone values (no >1500 results) and nothing else.

And the second test is called BASIC Erectile Dysfunction Profile for $93. The description says Again the highly sensitive is key and ends up being code 070001. With this test you'll get actual total serum testosterone (no >1500results), CBC with Differential/Platelet Count, and a thyroid panel which has free thyroxine (T4), T3 Uptake (THBR), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and total thyroxine (T4).

^^^thats the one I chose since I wanted to see thyroid values as well.

As you can see you can come up with a few different options on what to get etc and I'll try and break them all down so you know what you'll get with each. As far as I know, these are the cheapest prices I've found for the panels but I only checked a few other companies out and privatemdlabs still has the cheapest female hormone panel.

Option 1) You don't care about anything but the usual female hormone panel from privatemdlabs. Probably best for pre and post cycle bloods since test levels should be normal ranges. All you want is the basics (LH, FSH, Total test, E2, AST/ALT, CBC with Differential/Platelet Count, and metabolic profile) and don't care about an actual test level number. Go to privatemdlabs as usual for the female hormone panel, total cost: $59.99 (before online coupon).

Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

^^^link for the panel for option 1

Option 2) All you want is actual total test results AND NOTHING ELSE (no E2, no LH, no FSH, etc). Maybe your mid cycle, short on cash, already know the rest of your blood work is good, know how to control estrogen, and whatever other reason I'd pick this. Go to personal labs and get the Low T (Testosterone) Profile, total cost: $48 (before online coupon).

Low T (Testosterone) Profile | Men's Health Blood Tests, Online Blood Testing, Health Tests

^^^link for the panel for option 2

Option 3) You want real testosterone values AND thyroid profile and CBC with Differential/Platelet Count. Probably for some of the same reasons as option 2 but you'd like to include thyroid and CBC with Differential/Platelet Count and its mid-cycle where testosterone values are high. You will NOT get LH, FSH, E2 or metabolic profile with this option. Go to personal labs and get the BASIC Erectile Dysfunction Profile, total cost: $93 (before online coupon).

BASIC Erectile Dysfunction profile | Men's Health Blood Tests, Online Blood Testing, Health Tests

^^^link for the panel for option 3

Option 4) You want everything normally given with female hormone panel from privatemdlabs (E2, FSH, LH, CBC with Differential/Platelet Count, AST/ALT, and metabolic profile BUT you ALSO want real test numbers. Again same reasons as 2 & 3, best mid cycle probably. This option WILL NOT give thyroid values. Go to privatemdlabs and get the Hormone Panel for Females AND go to personal labs and get the Low T (Testosterone) Profile, total cost: $59.99 + $48 (before online coupons for BOTH).

Low T (Testosterone) Profile | Men's Health Blood Tests, Online Blood Testing, Health Tests
Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

^^^links for panels for option need to purchase the panel from each link.

Option 5) The big daddy of them all, includes EVERYTHING. You're mid-cycle and want a handle on ALL your values actual serum testosterone values, FSH, LH, E2, thyroid profile, CBC with Differential/Platelet Count, ADT/ALT, and Metabolic Profile. Go to privatemdlabs and get the Hormone Panel for Females AND go to personal labs and get the BASIC Erectile Dysfunction Profile, total cost: $59.99 + $93 (before online coupons for both).

BASIC Erectile Dysfunction profile | Men's Health Blood Tests, Online Blood Testing, Health Tests
Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

^^^links for panels for option need to purchase the panel from each link

Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

^^^this link is if you want to get the accurate testosterone level test from privatemdlabs. I personally didn't use it because it was more expensive than perosnal labs but I figured I'd throw it in here regardless just in case.

As you can see there are a few options you could choose from depending on what you want to see in your panels and what you're willing to spend. I went option 5 for mid-cycle bc I had the money laying around and wanted all my values (tried t3 few wks back and wanted to see how my thyroid came back).

Also just so it's clear, I paid for the privatemdlabs and personal labs requisitions on the same day, printed them both out within minutes of each other, went to the same labcorp location, took both samples on the same visit/day/time and just gave them two different reqs. Don't give them any CC info or insurance info. They may ask for drivers license which you could try and argue but they didn't for me.

I hope this has been written clearly enough to understand, I ramble a lot as is evident in this very sentence lol. If you're confused about any part of it, post up your question or pm me and I'll do my best to answer it as soon as I can and be as helpful as possible. This should work for EVERYONE who goes through labcorp and privatemdlabs and wants real numbers. Hopefully the rest of the members here can out this info to good use and start seeing the results we've all been wanting to see for a while now (except you lucky bastards who've always had actual numbers lmao).

The first two pics are from privatemdlabs and the hormone panel for females and the second two pics are from personal labs and their basic erectile dysfunction test. That's what I got and it should provide you with an idea of the results you'll get and evidence that you CAN get actual numbers from personal labs even when privatemdlabs gives >1500 all from the same location!

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Edit* thanks to Megatron who called and talked with privatemdlabs, there's a small update. I'm just adding in the quote of what he found out. I haven't tested it or checked it personally but he is very thorough and I would trust his findings.

Edit 2* thanks to Black Beard for this link about endogenous testosterone levels and time of day to test for them.

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Great info! This should be a sticky for sure. I'll be referring to it often (before, during, and after cycle) for appropriate blood tests. Thanks!
I wanted to revive this thread to share a new option for getting blood work done that provides an accurate Total Testosterone result instead of the dreaded >1500. I decided to take one for the team and use a new lab I had heard about. I went to LabsMD.

LabsMD - Simple and Secure Lab Tests Online

They are affiliated with PrivateMDlabs. Logging in will look very familiar to you. They have a Hormone Panel for Females that gives an actual Total Testosterone result, even when it is greater than 1500. Instead to using Labcorp, they use Quest. I went there and my experience was fine. The girl taking my blood was cute and flirty! One thing I liked was that they were open Saturday mornings!

This panel does cost a little more. It is $73 and as far as I can tell, they do not offer coupon codes. This is $10 more than PrivateMDlabs (before the 15% off). If you want to know what your TT really is while on cycle/blast, I think this is a good value.

One downside is that it took me a week to get my results compared to the typical 24 hours. I went in on Saturday and got them back on Friday. Perhaps if you go during the week you will get them back quicker?

In case you are wondering, I am still using my stockpile of gear from Pinnacle. I am just using Test Cyp at 500mg/week. I am also taking .50mg of adex every day (via prescription since I'm on TRT). No HCG. My trough results were the following after 5 weeks on:

Total Testosterone 3680ng/dl (250-1100)
Estradiol 42pg/ml (<39).

Since estradiol is the regular assay which is typically overstated, I am happy with result.

There you go. One more option for getting your blood work done!
I wanted to revive this thread to share a new option for getting blood work done that provides an accurate Total Testosterone result instead of the dreaded >1500. I decided to take one for the team and use a new lab I had heard about. I went to LabsMD.

LabsMD - Simple and Secure Lab Tests Online

They are affiliated with PrivateMDlabs. Logging in will look very familiar to you. They have a Hormone Panel for Females that gives an actual Total Testosterone result, even when it is greater than 1500. Instead to using Labcorp, they use Quest. I went there and my experience was fine. The girl taking my blood was cute and flirty! One thing I liked was that they were open Saturday mornings!

This panel does cost a little more. It is $73 and as far as I can tell, they do not offer coupon codes. This is $10 more than PrivateMDlabs (before the 15% off). If you want to know what your TT really is while on cycle/blast, I think this is a good value.

One downside is that it took me a week to get my results compared to the typical 24 hours. I went in on Saturday and got them back on Friday. Perhaps if you go during the week you will get them back quicker?

In case you are wondering, I am still using my stockpile of gear from Pinnacle. I am just using Test Cyp at 500mg/week. I am also taking .50mg of adex every day (via prescription since I'm on TRT). No HCG. My trough results were the following after 5 weeks on:

Total Testosterone 3680ng/dl (250-1100)
Estradiol 42pg/ml (<39).

Since estradiol is the regular assay which is typically overstated, I am happy with result.

There you go. One more option for getting your blood work done!

Thanks for posting that. I've noticed it in your signature as well, such a great resource. Unfortunately, I noticed too late and bought the 2 separate panels, that was previously suggested, in order to get real test numbers as I'm mid-cycle.

My Test came back at 2580 ng/dL while running 500mg/week and adex at 0.25mg EOD. Seems a little low to me as I'm only 190lbs.

What do you think?
Thanks for posting that. I've noticed it in your signature as well, such a great resource. Unfortunately, I noticed too late and bought the 2 separate panels, that was previously suggested, in order to get real test numbers as I'm mid-cycle.

My Test came back at 2580 ng/dL while running 500mg/week and adex at 0.25mg EOD. Seems a little low to me as I'm only 190lbs.

What do you think?

You're welcome.

Hard to say on the TT result. Not everyone gets to the same place on the same dose. But our gear could be dosed differently. I guess you will have to send me a vial so zi can see where it puts me.

Who knows about the weight thing. I outweight you by quite a bit!
You're welcome.

Hard to say on the TT result. Not everyone gets to the same place on the same dose. But our gear could be dosed differently. I guess you will have to send me a vial so zi can see where it puts me.

Who knows about the weight thing. I outweight you by quite a bit!

Figured so. Mega, if I had an extra vial, I would actually do that considering how much effort you put into helping people around here. Have a killer day!