how to measure dextrose from proteinfactory?

thats aways confusing.. the last time I ordered a mixture I never got a scopper to know or have an idea how much proteins ratio's I was doing.
OK....I just went and weighed out a scoop full (1.5" dia. X 2" deep) and it was 45 grams. If your scoop is the same size, then 2 scoops = 90 grams.
Thanks a ton... I didn't have a kitchen scale.

I am using the standard scoops that come in things like IsoPure, MetRx, and Optimun whey containers.
Every scoop I have seen has its volume in CCs stamped on it. The ones I have are either 60 ccs or 70 ccs. I believe 70 ccs is 1/3 cup. In any event, you could see how many scoops it takes to fill a measuring cup to 1 cup.

The proteinfactory website has a section where everything is converted from grams into cups or portions of a cup.