How to use insulin by Juice Junkie

If you insist on using it, make it easier on people like me:

1. Buy a cheap medic alert braclet. Wear it to the gym and after you inject. Might save ya a trip to the hospital. EMS professionals are known to slap in an IV give you some D50 then have you sign a refusal. Makes life easier on everyone.

2. Keep candy/sweets handy. There is also a OTC gel called oral glucose that is more effective. And has a long storage life, place it in your gym bag for emergencies. If you have a diabetic connection ask for one of thier Glucogen pens. Might even be able to buy it via the net. (IM injection that makes the liver mobilize the sugar it stores)

3. Have a partner that knows what you are doing. They can smear the Oral glucose in your mouth if you are unable to swallow. In extreme cases a candy bar can be inserted rectally (3 musketeers anyone)? If you get to the extreme you should put down the slin and take up golf.

4. Buy the glucose monitoring strips or if you can afford it a machine if you are a long term user. After a prolonged exposure to slin, the bodies autofeed back mechinism to hypoglycemia becomes nonfunctioning. That means the symptoms of hypoglycemia no longer manifest, you are fine one minute then out the next.

Damn I made it to long, no one will read.


although I'm not a slin user and don't know anyone who is, what you say makes perfect sense... no sense in dying or having someone who is trying to save you have no idea what is actually wrong with you

I have not yet read all of that, I'll come back to it later, but, I spotted it says insulin use in the AM. I also spotted it says beginners guide to getting started on insulin. If you are a beginner I would only recomed you use inulin PWO, not AM and PWO on the same day. Once you get to know what insulin does and how it feels, you can start experimenting it other times of the day, eg AM. Also, if you are a beginner, I would't recomend using insulin any more than once a day.:flipoff:
Call me stupid but my product is lable 100 mg/ml and its a 30 ml via. So how many IUs is that. I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and it comes in 10000 ius so depending on how much BA water I use to mix it up, determines what volume is =250 ius. So how does this apply to Novalin 70/30. Any ideas.
I have not yet read all of that, I'll come back to it later, but, I spotted it says insulin use in the AM. I also spotted it says beginners guide to getting started on insulin. If you are a beginner I would only recomed you use inulin PWO, not AM and PWO on the same day. Once you get to know what insulin does and how it feels, you can start experimenting it other times of the day, eg AM. Also, if you are a beginner, I would't recomend using insulin any more than once a day.:flipoff:

x2 all the way this guy doesnt know what the fuck he is talking bout more then 10iu a day and in the morning too hes trying to really get ppl killed. wtf
i also know that the part of insulin called IGF1-R3 long which is realy hightly anabolic and can help to burn fat! IGF1 R3 long is the compounds than trenbolone increase to get his fabulous anabolic factor.
i also know that the part of insulin called IGF1-R3 long which is realy hightly anabolic and can help to burn fat! IGF1 R3 long is the compounds than trenbolone increase to get his fabulous anabolic factor.

Insulin and igf1 are different things arent they? I am type 1 diabetic and take insulin...I dont think igf1 is the same?
Hi Trevdog thank you for the info I have just started my insulin cycle I have done this befor with some test
But am just doing on its own following your advice I will keep you posted and any body who is reading this thanks
This is a great read! I started running Humalog this past Monday from the research i did via the net and some friends i know. And this thread is exactly what i researched but also let me in on Humalin-R, which i knew was the longer acting slin but wasn't sure about exact active life.

I'm now doing 5iu's in the AM and 5iu's post workout. This will increase e3d as i want to be as safe as possible with respect to the compound.

Glad this thread is here and i found it.
Real Talk

Take it from a very fit diabetic. Insulin WILL kill you. It will kill you NOW. I have been diabetic for 10 years and have trained other diabetics in their fitness and even surgical recovery. I have trained non-diabetics in fitness more than diabetics, and as comfortable as I am using insulin, I would never use it as a steroid. It is that dangerous... being a female ectomorph who struggles with mass gains, I researched this topic, and it brought me back to my senses. When I remembered the real danger of becoming a type 2 diabetic or dying of hypoglycemia my mind changed. If you're not diabetic, you don't realize what an impact only one unit of insulin has on your body (the carb ratio is different for everyone, by the way). I would never shoot 10 units of insulin in my body if I didn't absolutely have to. This is a very strong chemical. I knew that type 2 diabetes and hypoglycemic death were real threats, but I was ignoring them for the possibility of that elusive mass gain. This article brought me back to basics mentally. When I look at myself in the mirror, when I look at my husband who is an MMA fighter, I don't see the muscle. I see the work. That's respect. That's what I want. I don't know about you...
What I don't see in this post is the very wise idea of having a blood sugar meter on hand when using insulin. The meter should be a must. I am a diabetic and even though I have used insulin for quite sometime occassionally I go hypoglycemic at lower doses even though I follow a strict diet which never varies. Monitor your blood sugar always.