how would you make test suspenion?

look in the Winstrol (winny) thread, you can make tne the same way in water, gotta search through the thread for the instructions though.
I have a shitload of test base.....tried the way in the Winstrol (winny) thread like pullingbig did and it was a disaster. Maybe you'll have better luck. What's a good solvent ratio for TNE in oil? Anything close to 3%BA and 7%BB like prop?
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Is TNE micronized? Not all Winstrol (winny) powder is, if its micronized it should be easier to work with.
the tne i made was 5%ba and 15%bb. went 100mg/ml no prob and was pain free. stayed in solution as well. Now did i have real tne? whos to say? but thats what i ordered so i assume it was.