Hows this training program?


New member
I've been doing Wendler's 5/3/1 but want more of a bodybuilding program now.
How does this look (I only have powerrack with barbell and dumbbells so no machines for me):

Barbell bench press 3x5
Barbell shoulder press 3x5
Dumbbell fly 3x10
Weighted decline push-up 3x10
Barbell front raise 3x15
Dumbbell lateral raise 3x15
Barbell close grip bench press 3x10
Weighted triceps dip 3x10

Weighted pull-up 3x5
Barbell bent-over row 3x5
Weighted chin-up 3x10
Dumbbell bent-over row 3x10
Barbell shrug 3x15
Dumbbell lying rear delt fly 3x15
Barbell curl 3x10
Dumbbell hammer curl 3x10

Barbell squat 3x5
Barbell deadlift 3x5
Dumbbell lunge 3x10
Barbell standing calf raise 6x15
Abdominal exercise 3x10
Oblique exercise 3x10

How much weight should I use and how often should I have a rest day?
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On your push day it seems like alot. If you can do it and keep high intensity then go for it but for me I would take out the close grip bench and do the dips and then the following push day I would do the close grip bench and not do the dips. I would also not do the decline push ups.
Just a suggestion but for shoulder press you can do Rack Scrapes. Thats where you set the pins in your powerrack at shoulder height and but the bar on and add the weight on. You then press the bar up and make it scrape up the vertical rack members. Youtube it or look for it on t nation. Its an awesome should exercise. Also if your power rack is too short like mine and you bang the bar on the top cross member then do em on your knees.

For Pull day I would alternate pull ups and chins. Do one one week and the other the next week. And I would do the same with the bent row and dumbell row.

You can run that program ON,OFF,ON,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF or ON,ON,ON,OFF,ON,ON,ON,OFF OFF or ON,On,ON,ON,ON,ON,OFF the scheds really depends on your age,quality of nutrition and sleep, lifestyle, AAS etc etc.

I do Pull, Legs, Push I like this way because I seperate my upperbodywork with my leg day. I usually do Mon,Wed,Fri and off on weekends but if Im feeling good I may do something described above for a week or two. It all depends on whats going on in my life. I will also do cardio on my off days.
thanks for the response!

another option I came across is to do a modified PHAT regimen. I modified a spreadsheet I found to come up with this:
Look good?

I think I might start with the P/L/P for now, modifying it like you suggested and look into the PHAT when I want to change it up, as P/L/P is simpler for now

Should I calculate the weight somehow from my Max weights on just go by feel and add/remove weight the next week accordingly. I've only done premade programs like Wendlers and Starting Stregth where weights are calculated for ya from Max

edit: made this spreadsheet for PLP. Eased up on the volume a bit for now, is it ok?:
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Do you know form previous training with those mentioned systems what weight you were doing? Just go off of that. I dont know what weight u can lift. I can say start at 135 for squats but that could be too heavy or too light. With your rep scheme (3x5) thats supposed to be lifting heavy ass weight and its for developing strength. For hypertrophy you wanna do sets of 8-10 reps or something in the area.
I know my weights for the stuff I've done in Wendlers 531, so squats, deadlift, bench press, military press.

Ok, so I just did the Pull routine for the first time. I found it a bit low on volume so what are 1 or 2 exercises you'd recommend I add?

These are the weights I used, how do they look?
pull-up 3x max (none, was able to do 6-8 reps slowly and with good technique. still might be fatigues from yesterdays 5/3/1 Deadlifts tho...)
Barbell bent-over row 3x5 (60kg, last set was pretty tough)
chin-up 3x max (none, 4-6 reps, was pretty tired as I did these last)
Barbell shrug 3x15 (20kg bar, could add more)
Barbell curl 3x10 (20kg)
Dumbbell hammer curl 3x10 (7kg)

Also how about rest times? I just did 60 secs after every set
Is there a reason your not dead lifting on your pull day? If your only training three days a week and trying to go towards body building I would do Monday - Legs, Wednesday - Push, Friday - Deadlift/Pull. Gives your legs enough time to recover between squating and dead lifting because doing them in the same day is really taxing on your body.