HPTA restoration advice


New member
Need some expert help. I was on low dose test cyp for about 9 months. My baseline test serum was 475. Decided to get off of TRT. The injections had shut down my hpta. I was starting to recover after a few weeks of clomid/nolva. My LH went to 3.9 and FSH 1.5. Test serum went from 230 four weeks after stopping test injections to 460 after clomid/nolva. I had terrible sides on the clomid/nolva. A few weeks ago I did another 7 days of low dose nolva followed by two low dose shots of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (250 iu's each). Got labs one week after the second Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot and my LH was .7 and FSH was also .7. Test serum had dropped to 280. Could the 2 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shots have shut me down again? I'm trying to restart without the sides that clomid/nolva bring.

Anyone used toremifene? Would it work to jump start LH and FSH? I know I'm not primary because after 3 shots of 1000 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in early Jan my test level went to 1100 two days after the last shot. I've read that torem doesn't hurt libido and had a safer profile than nolvadex. Thank you for your advice gentlemen.