hunger pains


New member
Iv recently had the worst hunger pains I can remember. I have trouble sleeping sometimes, wake up , ect. Just really bad. Ill eat to the point where Im full but I still have an extreme hunger sensation thats actually almost painful. Iv also been on ephedra and caffine for a while, but this is not the first time and Iv never felt like this before. I think I can contribute this to the Winstrol (winny) Iv recently added to my stack, also on test cyp. Anyway does anyone have any recomendations?
I'm on Winstrol (winny) also and don't have hunger problems. I'm actually on the CKD Diet right now but still don't have hunger pains. make sure you drink a lot of water with each meal and right before bed, eat 1 cup of cottage cheese ( good slow-digesting proteins) and 1 tbps of something like Udo's Oil, or Flax Oil, or X-Virgin Olive Oil; any of which are " Good Fats ". ( Eat two of each if you are a bigger guy and trying to bulk up ) This combo will give you some protein throughout the night along with some good fats which will help with the hunger pains. This has always worked for me and hope it may help you.
budrau said:
I'm on Winstrol (winny) also and don't have hunger problems. I'm actually on the CKD Diet right now but still don't have hunger pains. make sure you drink a lot of water with each meal and right before bed, eat 1 cup of cottage cheese ( good slow-digesting proteins) and 1 tbps of something like Udo's Oil, or Flax Oil, or X-Virgin Olive Oil; any of which are " Good Fats ". ( Eat two of each if you are a bigger guy and trying to bulk up ) This combo will give you some protein throughout the night along with some good fats which will help with the hunger pains. This has always worked for me and hope it may help you.

I hope you're not doing a CKD with just "good fats" (which is a misnomer).
If you're hungry, eat!
Are you eating some cottage cheese before bed?
That helps out a great deal. Especially if you add a tablespoon of flax in there as well.
No Frosty!! I did take your advice and I am getting a good mixture of all fats, well, not trans-fats, but I am getting sat fats. Thanks!!
the whole problem with the eating is Im also taking an eca stack which makes me gag when I try to force feed food. Right now Im going to stop it for a little bit and see how I react.
just down some more water. IF you're bulking then by all means eat more but eat clean. cottage cheese is perfect for right before bedtime. If your cutting try a thick low carb protien shake before bed.