Hypothyroid T3 Libido and Morning Wood


New member
Does anybody knows if T3 has an influence on libido and morning wood? Because I'm feeling tired everyday even when I sleep a lot. I have difficulty to pay attention. Also my vitamin D is very low.
My latest blood work is.

T3 - 94 (min 70 - max 220)
T4 - 1.1 (min 0.8 - max 1.7)
TSH - 3.5 (min 0.45 - max 4.5)
Antibodies - ATP - Negative
Total Testosterone - 862
Free Testosterone - 789
Prolactin 10
Estradiol 30
I am almost positive T3 does have an effect on libido. The t4, which is the non active hormone converts to t3 if you are on a hypothyroid medication like synthroid. The problem is your body is not meant to do this kind of conversion and you should be getting healthy T3. I am feeling the same way. I feel tired everyday, difficulty paying attention/memory, low libido, etc. These symptoms started last week and could possibly be the result of adrenal fatigue. My vitamin D is not low, however, because I am supplementing with vitamin D 2000iu/day.

Get on vitamin D asap. You should notice an increase in energy as it works quickly.

I just got bloodwork today for estradiol, T3, T4, reverse T3, and AM cortisol. I'll see the results and will be able to help you further. In the mean time check out this website

Thyroid Mistreatment, Hypothyroidism Scandals, and Thyroid Treatment Problems | Stop The Thyroid Madness
I found that I have adrenal fatigue my free t3 is good my RT3/T3 is 15 my cortisol is very low. I will try to treat myself with HC only and see if I get well I found a lot of guys getting well on it like having their libido back, morning wood, no more ED etc.
I found that I have adrenal fatigue my free t3 is good my RT3/T3 is 15 my cortisol is very low. I will try to treat myself with HC only and see if I get well I found a lot of guys getting well on it like having their libido back, morning wood, no more ED etc.

Was that T3 reading a free T3 or Total T3 reading?? If it was Free T3, your number needs to be 20 or higher otherwise you are showing some RT3 issues. If it was your total T3 you tested, it needs to be 10 and above and with 15, you would be fine. You might need to supplement some T3. However, before you do that, you need to fix your adrenal fatigue and support them first.
good info guys, I need to go back and look at my bloodwork- been on synthroid for months and still tired and foggy most of the time. Any reliable adrenal fatigue treatment besides going to the dr and getting cortisol meds?
good info guys, I need to go back and look at my bloodwork- been on synthroid for months and still tired and foggy most of the time. Any reliable adrenal fatigue treatment besides going to the dr and getting cortisol meds?

I seem to think that most people out there can fix adrenal issues naturally. Get on a paleo style of diet. Don't eat nearly as many carbs because that will spike blood sugar and the adrenals response with cortisol to that. Eat every 2-3 hours, get at least 8 hours of sleep per night if possible. Drink plenty of water. Really cut out cardio if you are doing it. You don't need to put your adrenals in overdrive doing cardio. Then get on some adrenal supplements. I like Licorice root and Adreset. I would take Licorice root at around 10am and Adreset around 2pm. But to comment on your synthroid, I think that stuff is poison and that is why you are still feeling hypothyroid on it. You are probably having a conversion problem on it. Continue to take it until you get your a RT3 (Reverse T3) test done along with the rest of the standard thyroid stuff like TSH, Free T3, Free T4, etc. The last thing I would do is get on cortisol meds. I know you can fix this other ways.
Riprockwell: I read that when you have low cortisol you can have problems converting T4 to T3 and you will get higher RT3. Also low b12 and iron can cause elevate RT3. When you have high RT3 you are a little bit hypothyroid so your body will not get well the vitamins. So I think when you start to decrease the RT3 the body will start to work better and absorb better the vitamins. I don't think taking T3 is good my free T3 is top of the range.

I was reading really good testimonials of people who cured their adrenal fatigue I will paste here

However, once I got recovered from the flu, I started to feel great. Amazingly great. My libido came back, I felt happy and energetic...and this awesomeness lasted for 3 full weeks, until a business trip stressed me out and I wound up back at square one. I'm pretty sure the Cortef was responsible for the jump in energy, zest, etc. So I don't understand how it is said that HC only lasts a few hours in the body...mine lasted weeks. I have not had libido in 4 years and suddenly it comes back? I am sure it was the Cortef.

Prednisone took care of my ED and morning wood completely, E2 never really made a difference.....I had low cortisol

For SIX YEARS the only response from doctors that I got was that I have mental problems causing my symptoms, like loss of libido,
ED, tiredness, lack of motivation to do things. It was not just one or
two doctors, but SEVERAL. So yeah, I'm not at all surprised. It seems
most doctors are either imcompenent or just don't care. Luckily, my
problem was not something that would kill me because of late diagnosis,
like cancer. I turned out to be hypothyroid and have adrenal fatigue, and respond
excellently to thyroxine and hydrocortisone. Thanks to internet and
messageboards like this, I solved this puzzle.

after only a few days on adrenal extract I have noticed a huge
improvment on my sex drive too, which was an unexpected but welcome
surprise! :D

i had ED with high-normal IGF-1 and Testosterone....the cure for my ED was prednisone treatment due to low cortisol...

I can tell you from personal experience that once i started treating my
adrenal fatigue with Cortef my sex drive started to come back, muscle
strength and size and energy levels also much better fat loss without trying.
I have my free T and total T levels before treating adrenals and im
getting them tested now during treatment im sure they will be much

Is it possible to lose libido with low Cortisol? I got a Cortisol Stim
test where they inject you with cortisol and they take a few blood
readings and when they gave me the cort, I had a noticable libido jump a
few minutes later. I thought this was odd.

been on HC for 6 months and havent loss any hair and have really good
sex drive. In fact, without Hydrocortisone I would be unable to have sex

seen people be on it for 3 and half years then wean off and be back at
work and back to normal life again, as normal as it gets of course.

Re: Is adrenal fatigue enough to cause NO sex drive at all

yep that would be possible

i had low test 300 and reasonable free test with low estradiol and i was able to have sex ONLY when i started HC, so before i had adrenal fatigue and nothing worked

if a person has t levels of 300-400 they can still be better off then a person at 500-600 provided that there thyroid, igf-1,adrenals, e2 are in line. I feel this is the reason why some people can function at lower T and not feel symptoms due to the fact other hormones are firing away.

I will echo this...when I first started seeing Dr. O and HAN in July, my
T levels had fallen to an abysmal 352. My most recent blood test first
of October had me at 650. They were able to identify a cortisol
problem inidicative of adrenal fatigue that had been plaguing me for
years, and once we got that settled all my hormone levels improved,
including T, E2, and thyroid.

I've tried eating hydrocortisone cream the past few days - 1 teaspoon of
1 per cert cream one time per day, and I'm getting some positive
results. First of all, I definitely feel less stress and more relaxed. I
feel more like normal. Also, my libido is finally kicking in, and I
find myself thinking about sex or fantasizing about sex frequently. And
I really, really like that. So, I'm going to keep going with it and try
to convince a doctor to test me for adrenal insufficiency. The
hydrocortisone has made a big difference for me.

That's what I've found on the forums