I am finally doing smooth quad injections


New member
Shooting quads have always been a problem for me. I either hit a vein or a nerve.

For the hell of it I tried a 25g 5/8in pin.

Smooth as silk. My quads are pretty lean, so it seems that the 5/8 is long enough. I have shot each quad 3 or 4 times now and it is working great.

Just wanted to share....:)
Is 5/8 even getting close to the muscle? I use an inch on my shoulders and 1.5" on quads.......I was told by a Dr. that 1" isn't even long enough for quads. You might want to find out for sure or you could be wasting your money.
thefantom1 said:
1 inch is not a problem for the quads at all... unless you have an inch of fat that it has to go through first....

Especially if you're hitting the mid/lower outer half (on the sweep) as the legs generally store fat up closer to the groin and hips. Why using at least 1.5" for hips is recommended.
I've used a 5/8 at times when I was lean and it made it into the muscle, personally I would never use anything longer than a 1", dont see the point of making a hole any bigger than I have to
I can't see a 5/8 pin going deep enough without leaving a lump.
But if house says it works I would not doubt he is a big dude to say the least.

Where do you use a 5/8 inch pin bro and how many cc's do you inject with that short of barrel without leaving lump?
dg, i go a bit lower on the quad bro. up high forget it . it leaves a lump and gets red for days. i have to keep massaging the area. so i use 1 or 1 and a half inch only
I am injecting 2cc's. It is definitely getting into the muscle. No lump at all. A little soreness. I am putting the needle all the way in though.

Evertime I tried a 1in needle I would hit a nerve that made my whole quad jump. Even now, I have to push the juice in slowly or else the nerve fires.
stromba, how high on the quad are you injecting?

i find a 1 " or longer are best the higher you are on the quad.

i use 5/8 on the lower portion of my quads with no problems
Thats all I use is 25 5/8 ..... I use them low and high on quad....I have no problem what so ever...Im pretty lean so that might be why!
I can't do quads!

I am the same, I always seem to hit a nerve!

Still makes me nausous just reading this thread!

I can do chest, delts, glutes, tri's, but no way am I trying quads again, lol!
I am injecting fairly high on my quad, basically in the spot shown on www.spotinjections.com

I think leanness has alot to do with it. My quads are not large, but they are starting to show a tad bit of vasculartiy. I am sure the fat on them is much less than 5/8in.