i am new to this site. can anyone give me advice on sus500mg


New member
I have ran sus 250 in the past. it was twice a week which added up to 500mg a week. my question is if I got a 500mg vile would it be safe to pin once at 500mg for one or would it be better to pin 250mg twice a week?
Sust can be pinned twice or eod (because of the prop in the mixture)
Test E 2x a week (every 3.5 days) Monday morning and thurs night is optimum
Test P eod
Test C same as test E

Sust is not a recommended test to run in my opinion...working with one ester is the best way to go to ensure stable blood levels
I personally would pin 250mg twice a week. 500mg in total for the week.

Will you be using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well?
What kind of a PCT have you got planned?
Sust can be pinned twice or eod (because of the prop in the mixture)
Test E 2x a week (every 3.5 days) Monday morning and thurs night is optimum
Test P eod
Test C same as test E

Sust is not a recommended test to run in my opinion...working with one ester is the best way to go to ensure stable blood levels

I have been considering the eod. Would be keen to know how that would go. I found that even 2 times a week, my levels were a little unstable.
I have been considering the eod. Would be keen to know how that would go. I found that even 2 times a week, my levels were a little unstable.

Stable levels with Sustanon (sust) just aren't gonna happen.
I don't understand the point in using it.
It was originally designed to be a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) mix that called for a lower frequency of injections but for bodybuilding purposes its just not the best thing to use.
Test E, P, or C is the way to go
I am also running deca 300 with this cycle. I wanted to run a test so I will not have any issue with my test levels running to low. I heard if u run deca with no test you will have some serious issues
I am also running deca 300 with this cycle. I wanted to run a test so I will not have any issue with my test levels running to low. I heard if u run deca with no test you will have some serious issues

Every cycle should have a test base...
Also what about your post cycle therapy (pct), Aromatase inhibitor (AI), hcg, and on cycle supps?
And prami in case of prolactin issues
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sorry brother had to finish thing around the house before winter sets in. but to answer your question I am goimg to run clomid three weeks after my cycle. I am on protein, and multi vitimans.
Yes i have been seriously considering this advise. Source is willing to swap it for some test prop for me. Short ester and i have used it before with no sides, other then getting big quick. I loved the stuff.
The things you learn on this site...amazing..LOL
Proper pct

Clomid 75/75/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Pct needs to be four weeks as shown above at those doses a day. So 75mg a day.Clomid the first week and so on...
Yes you can do a Clomid only pct but a Nolva Clomid combo is optimum...recovery is.one of the most important aspects if cycling aside from diet and cycle support.

Also you should get some hcg...250mg twice a week at the same times you pinn the test.
Do not use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during pct...it's pointless during pct time
I was running prop and I like it. I gained 8 pounds in about in about three weeks with the combo of deca 300mg and prop 100mg. but getting pinned eod was getting a bit much. so I was looking into some test that would have a longer lasting effect, so I would not have to pin so often. I heard about this site called anabolic nation have u heard anything good or bad about this site.
so how does the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) work with the test and what are the benefits of running those together?
so how does the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) work with the test and what are the benefits of running those together?

Hcg betters your chances of recovery. It's not an anabolic compound.
Use the search bar at the top and you will find plent of info and threads about hcg.

And a longer ester would be test E or test C

And cannot talk about sources on here...
Stick around and make some friends...you will eventually figure it out lol
i had a couple buddies drop some Sustanon (sust) and had god results. so i figured i would try it. i just hate having to pin eod. what kind of gains did u get and how long did you run a cycle