i am new to this site. can anyone give me advice on sus500mg

I hear this so often about Sustanon (sust) being not stable. When u inject a long ester it's not stable either there is a peak and a valley. I've used Sustanon (sust) and omadren to good effect!

There's is A peak and valley
With Sustanon (sust) there is 4 different peaks and valleys thus up and down levels...
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Truyen cuoi hay nhat, truyen cuoi vova, tuyen tap truyen cuoi, truyen tieu lam , truyen hai huoc, truyen cuoi hoc duong , tuy***7875;n t***7853;p các truy***7879;n c***432;***7901;i hay nh***7845;t.
so a test e would be better that's is good to know. I just wanted to bulk up for the winter. I will take your advice. and drop the Sustanon (sust). I still had enough prop to last me till I cam get more test.
Don't get me wrong...sust is effective. It's still testosterone. Test is test regardless what.form. So a single ester is just as effective, and its more stable.

Best of luck.

Should keep a log so we can follow it
frank I am currently on test c done twice a week.. but why would you run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 times per week?? I had it down for the last ten days on cycle then nova 10 days after last pin and on hand during.. so you think this isn't enough??