I could really use some advice. Please.


New member
I am having some serious issues. I am 22, had an interupted prohormone and post cycle therapy (pct) cycle.
I was on a cycle of Liquid Labs h-drl ams 1-andro for 4 weeks. I unexpectedly had to stop and started taking formadrol as a post cycle therapy (pct) for about 2 weeks and then had a personal crisis and stopped taking it in mid-Dec. Since mid-Dec I have not taken anything.
Now the problems i am encountering:
1. Low/ no sex drive ( I can get hard but have to try really hard to get it going and it takes awhile)
2. Lethargic- kinda unfocused, no energy for the gym, lack of motivation and energy.
3. Loss of any gains.
I am assuming my testosterone level has crashed?
I am at a loss on what to do from here. Should I take a post cycle therapy (pct) at this time? I have a post cycle therapy (pct) called Post Cycle 3X that I am considering taking. Ingredients: Bulgarian tribulus, trans reservatol, eurycoma logifolia, caffeine, milk thistle, nac , zma
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Advice is really appreciated.
I am having some serious issues. I am 22, had an interupted prohormone and post cycle therapy (pct) cycle.
I was on a cycle of Liquid Labs h-drl ams 1-andro for 4 weeks. I unexpectedly had to stop and started taking formadrol as a post cycle therapy (pct) for about 2 weeks and then had a personal crisis and stopped taking it in mid-Dec. Since mid-Dec I have not taken anything.
Now the problems i am encountering:
1. Low/ no sex drive ( I can get hard but have to try really hard to get it going and it takes awhile)

2. Lethargic- kinda unfocused, no energy for the gym, lack of motivation and energy.
3. Loss of any gains.
I am assuming my testosterone level has crashed?
I am at a loss on what to do from here. Should I take a post cycle therapy (pct) at this time? I have a post cycle therapy (pct) called Post Cycle 3X that I am considering taking. Ingredients: Bulgarian tribulus, trans reservatol, eurycoma logifolia, caffeine, milk thistle, nac , zma
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Advice is really appreciated.

Yes you should resume your post cycle therapy (pct), but not that one. that's a junk post cycle therapy (pct) for a real PH. You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Take a good multi, drop the caffeine, sleep your ass off, eat well, you will probably recover slow, but I doubt there's any permanent damage.
A lot of others on here would say "go get a blood test," which is definitely very educational (you may consider it). But all that will tell you is what you probably already know. Find that good Aromatase inhibitor (AI), do some reading online. Look for the legit stuff. No herbs. it will have an "andro" like component to it. Mine is in the kitchen right now, and I'm in bed so....ya....but let me know what you come up with and I'll try and help.