i couldnt even get hard with fucking cialis!


New member
past couple days my libido has been a bit fucked up, and last night my girl came over so i took a cialis 5mg (pharma grade from my doctor) before. we went out grabbed a few beers and went back to my place. and even then, he wouldnt go past a chub. yet i feel fine. i feel nice and strong in the gym, no joint pains no bloat. no signs of high e2 and no signs of low e2 mentally as well.

i'm running a gram of test prop a week which i verified is proper dosed, and i've normally been taking .5mg RUI liquidex EOD.

how is it possible that besides ED, i am showing no signs of low e2? i know what low e2 feels like for me it feels like hell. but i couldnt even get it up with cialis and gram of test? the fuck is up?

i should go get bloodwork now, but its thursday at 2:30pm where i live and i wont get results anyway until sunday. but if i go on sunday, i'll get results the same day.

note: i've never run test this high before and its very tricky, especially with prop....
Check estradiol and Prolactin.

And take 5mg of cialis every day. If you only take it for the "special moment" you should take 20mg (for the weekend). I prefer daily. Do you ever have ED problems when you are not using AAS?
Showing no signs of low or high e2 does not mean tou are suffering fr one or the other. Go get some bloodwork to see where its actually at, that way youll be able to rule that out if its fine.

Also you could have maybe just not been in the mood. As guys we think oh ya the junk should be rock hard on command but if your not feeling it for whatever reason, maybe your burned out then the fucker isnt gonna work. Simple as that man lol.

ALSO im not sure what number a FEW beer actually is but alcohol, especially too much, can cause inability to get an erection.

Cialis is one of those drugs that you do actually have to be in the mood. It not just pop a pill and WHAM, steel rod.
You can walk right into the lab and request bloodwork without a physicians referral?
yes sir. e2 results you get by the end of the day, and test results only on thursdays which is the way it should be.
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try watching cambodians with midgets porn before you get busy with your girl, works for me :)
had a feeling...

164.30 pmol/L ---- ref range 99.4-192

just took 1mg of adex

that converts to 44.7 pg/ml. that may be just a little high, but definitely nothing that would cause ED...

if that's what happens when i take 1g of test a week and .5mg adex EOD, what are your suggestions for an adex dose?

could it maybe the the propecia i take daily? 1mg finasteride
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had a feeling...

164.30 pmol/L ---- ref range 99.4-192

just took 1mg of adex

that converts to 44.7 pg/ml. that may be just a little high, but definitely nothing that would cause ED...

if that's what happens when i take 1g of test a week and .5mg adex EOD, what are your suggestions for an adex dose?

could it maybe the the propecia i take daily? 1mg finasteride

Why would you take 1mg of Adex for E2 at 44pg/ml? Your E2 was fine.
had a feeling...

164.30 pmol/L ---- ref range 99.4-192

just took 1mg of adex

that converts to 44.7 pg/ml. that may be just a little high, but definitely nothing that would cause ED...

if that's what happens when i take 1g of test a week and .5mg adex EOD, what are your suggestions for an adex dose?

could it maybe the the propecia i take daily? 1mg finasteride

Yes finasteride can cause it, but cialis should do the trick, how is prolactin?
what do you suggest the problem lies with my ED?

Could be countless things. Mental. Anxiety, Lack of physical attraction, Exhaustion. Prolactin. Plumbing. Blood pressure too low (taking Caber perhaps?), etc.

Have you ever experienced ED before?
didnt get prolactin checked but my last tren blast was 10 months ago and i used caber all throughout. why would i have a prolactin issue?

I believe Finasteride can affect prolactin levels. Look into it. And get off that crap if you can give up the vanity.
Could be countless things. Mental. Anxiety, Lack of physical attraction, Exhaustion. Prolactin. Plumbing. Blood pressure too low (taking Caber perhaps?), etc.

Have you ever experienced ED before?
only when my e2 was extremely low/high, and only when i used tren with no caber. thats it. i doubt it could be the finasteride though, a gram of test with normal e2 levels can get anyone hard. dont know what the problem is.
I believe Finasteride can affect prolactin levels. Look into it. And get off that crap if you can give up the vanity.
wow... it all makes sense now. last year when i started taking finasteride i was on tren/test and caber. and my sex drive was incredible. then i came off the tren, and my sex drive was still kind of low but still ok, but not back to what it was normally. its the fina!!
Totally agree with Megatron, for me the first day on Cialis is not nearly as good as the second day when taking it daily. Way better wood 2-3 days in when taking it consecutively. If you dont want to take it daily, just preload 2 days prior, and the day you know you are getting pussy.

Check estradiol and Prolactin.

And take 5mg of cialis every day. If you only take it for the "special moment" you should take 20mg (for the weekend). I prefer daily. Do you ever have ED problems when you are not using AAS?
Posy a pic of your girl hard to tell without looking at her. I'd say it could be the alcohol when I was young I could fuck on alcohol now it fucks up my boners or maybe your just not feeling it that night.
Posy a pic of your girl hard to tell without looking at her. I'd say it could be the alcohol when I was young I could fuck on alcohol now it fucks up my boners or maybe your just not feeling it that night.
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Posy a pic of your girl hard to tell without looking at her. I'd say it could be the alcohol when I was young I could fuck on alcohol now it fucks up my boners or maybe your just not feeling it that night.

While he's doing that send me a pic of yours and a pair of her dirty panties too if it doesn't look good I can still do it but if the pink stinks forget about it.
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