i couldnt even get hard with fucking cialis!

Posy a pic of your girl hard to tell without looking at her. I'd say it could be the alcohol when I was young I could fuck on alcohol now it fucks up my boners or maybe your just not feeling it that night.
i really was feelin it, i had't busted a nut in like 3 days and im on 1000mg of test a week
Adding L-Arinine is like putting your Cialis on Steroids!

I take two 850mg caps 8 times a day right after every meal...

You'll know you have the right dose... when your dick is BIGGER and FLUFFED all day long!

L-Arginine produces Nitric Oxide, which is the prime chemical involved in producing an erection and
improves overall systemic circulation... this effects the entire body and will increase performance
of your brain, heart, muscle, hair, immune system... and boner!

Just Google - "Swanson L-Arginine" which will give you the site that has the best prices along
with high quality... GNC is good, but costs about 4 X the price of Swanson L-Arginine.

I've also ben able to stop taking heart medication as a result of this. :D