I got my hands on arimidex instead of proviron and was needing to know how much to ta


New member
I got my hands on arimidex instead of proviron and was needing to know how much to take? I am taking 500 mg of test/week.. thanks!
Welcome, please share your stats, age, weight, height, cycle history, when do you start pct etc.
One is a steroid and the other is an Aromatase Inhibitor. You don't swap one out for the other. Besides the test what else are you running. Can you lay your cycle out for us?
I got my hands on arimidex instead of proviron and was needing to know how much to take? I am taking 500 mg of test/week.. thanks!

Lol , well good for you , you got your hands on the correct thing needed for a 500mg a week of test cycle . the proviron wouldn't have done shit for you

.25mg Eod , or .25mg M , W, F . to start and adjust accordingly