I have two White Cap Bottles of Oxyelite Pro? When To Start?


New member
USP Labs Oxyelite Pro Super Thermo Dietary Supplement [With DMAA]

When do you guys suggest I take this supplement to cut with this cycle?

Super DMZ 2.0
LMG 25
Osta RX

Revolution PCT
Pure test

CEL Cycle Support

I want to cut hard so I bought two bottles of Oxyelite; just not sure would be the best time to add it to cycle; or just right after cycle? What do you think?
Weeks 1-4: Super DMZ 2.0 @ 1 cap in AM/ 1 cap in PM.

Weeks 5-8: Trenabol @ 2 caps in AM/ 1 caps in PM.

Weeks 5-8: Osta-RX @ 3 caps/day.

Weeks 9-12: Super DMZ @ 1 cap in AM/ 1 cap in PM.

Weeks 1-12: LMG 25 1 cap in AM/ 1 cap in PM.

Thank you very much!


Quick question!

I work out 5 days a week and off two days a week. Do I take DMZ on my off days?

M Chest
T Biceps
W Shoulders / Triceps
T Back
F Legs
S Off
S Off

Do I take DMZ and cycle assist on Saturday and Sunday?

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I would recommend not doing biceps on a day of their own. Its a very small muscle group and many people over train it. Maybe adding triceps with biceps. Just my two cents.

I'm not a user of PH myself, but I would continue to use your products even on your off days. Again, just my two cents. Possibly, if your dose is 2 capsules AM and 2 PM do just 1 and 1. You want to keep your body from experiencing highs and lows especially when dealing with some as fragile as your hormones.

I hope I haven't lied to you but just based on what I (think) know, that's what I would do.

I would try to get someone else to confirm or deny my opinion.

Hope it helped!
I think a lot of people would agree that you should experiment with what you feel works best for you. Some feel one body part a week, or 4 day split, or 7 days a week is best. There is an unlimited amount of training routines out there. You just need to find what works best for you.

I would say do things you like to do, if you see progress keep it up, if you plateau it is time for change whether training or diet or both.
I'm on week 3 of SDMZ right now... so far added about 11 total lbs and strength has gone up substantially. You can't really expect too much from something that you're only gonna run for 4 weeks. If I keep 4 of those lbs after post cycle therapy (pct) I'll be happy. A solid pound a week compared to a pound a month natty would make it worth it, no? What were you looking to get out of the cycle? SD is not typically used for cutting, and it really comes down to your diet. These aren't magic pills. They will help spare muscle and retain strength, essentially allowing you to go into a higher deficit. If you were going the PH route, and it looks like using IML's products I would've kept the Trenabol, dropped the SD and added Halo Ex instead, and ran them simultaneously... the setup of your cycle over 12 weeks looks odd to me. But whatever, can't go back now. Live and learn right?

Man thanks Ill definitely check that out for my next cycle. Actually if I do PH again Im going for the killer stack! DNA Mammoth! I bet Ill feel that one like the old SUS 500 and Testanate 50 days! I cant wait to run my two Oxy Elite Pro White Cap bottles as well after post cycle therapy (pct). I want to shred to look smoken oken!
If I cant get my hands on a SERM at the moment and just use Revolution PCT and Pure TEST OCT type stuff will I live or will I die?

I want to start DMAA Oxylite Pro ASAP; when do you think I should start that up?
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You will absolutely, 100% for sure die. And if it isn't from not taking a SERM it will be from me. I will hunt you down and end you for being an idiot.

In all seriousness, the rule is NO SERM, NO CYCLE. Get one, it's not an option. Click the banner up top with the red lion... you will find what you need.