This guy has consistently been given truthful and accurate info over and over again...yet he ignores it and then posts the same shit over on different boards. As soon as someone tells him something he doesn't want to hear...he goes and looks for the answer he wants on another board. This guy's progress problem is not the drugs he is taking. The reason he isn't growing or getting stronger is because he does not know how to bodybuild. He has no idea what it means to eat or train for growth...yet he continues pumping himself full or potent orals and gaining little when he should be gaining a lot. He posted on another board that he used 4 orals at once...and he said, to quote... "I was very dissappointed with the results".
He is now at the point where is bashing the products of several OTC companies because he can't make gains. He has been told a dozen times if he can't make good strength gains in 30 days using something like SD, then he sure as fuck won't make good strength gain using D-bol for 30 days....and that swithcing to traditional steroids is not going to fix his inability to make gains. He was also told about a dozen times that drugs like SD and Dimethazine are not PH's, but are real, fully active AAS...yet he continues to call them "PH's"...and keeps saying how he needs the "real" stuff over and over again. Like some other guys have said, I suggest we stop feeding the troll. I am positive he will simply pop up somewhere else and start this shit all over again, while continuing to blame each company he buys from for his lack of progress. He has already ignored the sound advice of several smart guys on multiple boards, all of whom are telling him the same thing...that his problem is with his diet and training.
If he really does want to start making progress...he knows what he needs to do...he has been told numerous times. He needs to invest some time educating himself on the basics of BB'ing nutrition and how to construct and implement a sound training program...and he shouldn't be asking everyone from here to the other side of the world how to do this either. He needs to READ...just like all of have had to do, not expect a board member(s) to personally put together his program for him. I would think at age 35 he would have figured out how to do this buy now...and if he has just started training, he has no business using steroids yet anyway and is all the more reason to start from square one.