I just had a bunch of raspberries with breakfast and now I'm afraid to go to the gym


I am banned!
Especially because it's leg day... I'd have to be squatting.

Oh god help me. Why do raspberries taste so good but make you shit all over the place?
Sounds like you need to stop eating raspberries. Usually if something gives you the shits every time you eat it you stop eating it.
I prefer strawberries than raspberries, it's more delicious, and you cannot worry about your stomach.
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I got the irritable bowel syndrome so I know the pain bro bahaha and those protein shake are making me rotten from the inside looll
You could always pay a midget to pop his thumb up your booboo and hold it there while you get your squats in. :bigok:
Hope you where able to solve the issue at hand, This thread just keeps on getting better and better :)
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You could always pay a midget to pop his thumb up your booboo and hold it there while you get your squats in. :bigok:

Where does one acquire such a booboo stuffing midget? I like to carb up on leg days, and as a result I too get a case of IBS that I try to get out of my system before I find myself straining.

Errrrrrrrrr, hypothetically speaking of course. :wiggle:

I wonder just how I'd fit that little guy in the leg press machine. Hmmmm. :spin: