I like to run test250 and 400 what's the best cutter and stack? Masteron Winny?


New member
I like to run t250 and 400 what is the best cutter to run that is not very toxic and will not hurt sex drive like tren? I'm going to stack test 250 or 400 1CC twice a week, arimidex 1mg every other day, and a cutter for an 8-10 week cycle. Looking for some advice on cutter and also anything to improve stack I was also told to run HCG last month of cycle and then when off HCG and Cycle to run either 30 days of Nova or Clomid???
Big difference between running 500mg/week and 800mg/week. You AI is a little high also. How long is your cycle?
What's your stats? Age weight height body fat? What is your cycle history?
The best cutter is a good diet, hit up 3j, based on the questions you are asking time spent with him would serve you much better than the answers to the questions you are asking here my friend.