I May Have Poisoned Myself, Where Do I get My Test Rx Tested?


New member
I put this in this section because I figured it would get more views.

I think I got a bad vial of test cyp. I all of a sudden started feeling horrible and thought I was getting sick. But I felt poisoned more than sick. I couldn’t figure it out. 3 days later I noticed when doing my next shot that the testosterone was cloudy in the vial. Then it clicked, that was probably what I was feeling. That had been my first dose out of that vial.

I got a refill from the pharmacy so I’m good there. But I sure would like to know what I shot myself with. I still feel a bit wonky over a week later.

Anyone have any idea where I could get it tested? I’m coming up empty.

I’m in SE Michigan.

Would have to be a mass spec of the compound, if this is RX from a pharmacy (Legit TRT) and they replaced it, why worry?
Was the original test from the pharmacy? I'm not sure pharm grade test should have sanitation or quality issues...
this seems to be very very strange... that they not ask what happen or investigate.. is this compound pharmacy? time to call the FDA and have them actually do good...
Lol how did you work that out. They are strict as he'll with the test becuase it is a controlled substance
I was surprised myself. I showed it to the pharmacist and he agreed he wouldn't inject it either. He offered to exchange the vials but just in case I injected myself with ebola (that's a joke of course) I didn't want to let the "evidence" out of my hands. He actually agreed and gave me another vial but used up one of my refills to do it.

Was thinking the same? And what does "wonky" mean?
At first I thought that maybe I got the flu. But that wasn't it. I was having huge body ache, like really bad. Couldn't sleep bad. Everything hurt. And man, what a headache. That was nearly blinding for a few days. I felt "poisoned". IDK if any of you guys work in a shop type setting (I do race car stuff) but the feeling was similar to if I am caught in an enclosed space with no ventilation and some nasty chemicals for an entire day, but worse. It felt very artificial.

this seems to be very very strange... that they not ask what happen or investigate.. is this compound pharmacy? time to call the FDA and have them actually do good...
Yeah, no investigation. Seemed odd to me. It is the Kroger pharmacy so a big one, corporate owned, etc. I'm guessing the pharmacist didn't actually handle it correctly.
Cloudy test happens when it gets cold, and the hormone falls out of suspension. I'm thinking it's unrelated to how you feel as there is usually a local reaction where you injected.

If you're truly concerned, contact the manufacturer of the testosterone (the information will be in the insert) and express your concerns. Pharmaceutical grade drugs are screened for pathogens and have to be tested to be sold as a USP product.

My .02c :)
Testosterone is absorbed slowly, i doubt you would get such acute, rapid effects from the injection. You didnt inject it intravenously, i doubt it's the bottle. Pharm grade stuff is held to an extremely high standard. The legal shit storm that any kind of error can cause keeps it that way.
Cloudy test happens when it gets cold, and the hormone falls out of suspension. I'm thinking it's unrelated to how you feel as there is usually a local reaction where you injected.
That makes me feel better, thanks.

It didn't "hit" like I went intravenous (I've been shot up with morphine in the hospital before). It came in slowly. That's why I'm not 100% sure it is related to the injection.

If you're truly concerned, contact the manufacturer of the testosterone (the information will be in the insert) and express your concerns. Pharmaceutical grade drugs are screened for pathogens and have to be tested to be sold as a USP product.

My .02c :)
I'll do this.

Thanks guys.
Test was from the pharma. they replaced it but I didn't give them the "bad" stuff. I would really like to know what I shot myself with. I feel pretty wonky.

Thanks guys

If you have prescription and it is indeed some contaminated vial from pharmacy FDA can help you out.
What is a test-flu?

When the body's immune system falsely believes that injected testosterone is a foreign invader and sets off a series of chain reactions similar to getting a cold. Usually a mild fever and lethargy.

Test flu tends to go away in a week or so, once the body recognizes it's not a threat. This is most common in a first cycle where testosterone levels are MUCH higher than normal.
I put this in this section because I figured it would get more views.

I think I got a bad vial of test cyp. I all of a sudden started feeling horrible and thought I was getting sick. But I felt poisoned more than sick. I couldn***8217;t figure it out. 3 days later I noticed when doing my next shot that the testosterone was cloudy in the vial. Then it clicked, that was probably what I was feeling. That had been my first dose out of that vial.

I got a refill from the pharmacy so I***8217;m good there. But I sure would like to know what I shot myself with. I still feel a bit wonky over a week later.

Anyone have any idea where I could get it tested? I***8217;m coming up empty.

I***8217;m in SE Michigan.


Do you mix hcg and cyp together?
I always draw hcg first to get a more accurate amount then cyp.
Sometimes the pressure differential will suck the hcg into the test vial and makes it look similar to what you describe..

If you're alive and you didn't have a local infection ( warm, red)
Relax :)
Do you mix hcg and cyp together?
I always draw hcg first to get a more accurate amount then cyp.
Sometimes the pressure differential will suck the hcg into the test vial and makes it look similar to what you describe..

If you're alive and you didn't have a local infection ( warm, red)
Relax :)

Just pin the HCG subQ with a slin pin IMO