i must be crazy or something (m1t related)


i have been on m1t for 5 weeks now and have not seen any of the sides that are supposed to be associated with it other than water retention. and that isnt even bad.

right now i am running 50mg ED and am getting awesome results. i dont get it !!!
cant get BIG said:
what about appetite? how much weight have u gained since week one?

appetite has not really changed......i eat all the time as normal. today on the scales i was 240lbs. at the begining of week one i was 218ish
pretty freaken amazing to put on 22 pounds just with m1t

Maybe your using other shit....or best of all you will loose most and have sides after your done....Nah just pullin your leg bro.

Good luck with the gains....
Bimmer said:
youve out on 22 lbs with m1t in 5 weeks?

its pretty common to put 8-12 pounds on first week on m1t.... (I got 8 and keep 4 after water bloat left, I didn't gain anything on second only 8 from first) and at this doses I am sure its possible but after 3 weeks site desensitiviti would explain 50mg/day dose he is using.... only thing is that his piss must be pitch black by now..... doesn't matter how much milk thristle he is on.....
on my first cycle I gained 8 pounds in 2 weeks at 5mg/day and keeped 4 after bload left, only side was some lethargy... on second was 3 weeks long 5mg/day on first week and 10 for second and 3rd... I also only gained 8 and keeped 4... I believe the reason was that I did the second cycle too close to first... only 2 weeks apart and not enough pct.....

but in his case since the most water weight one could probably hold should be around 8 pounds (1 gallon) them he still keeps 10-12 or so from muscle and 2-4 from fat... which is still pretty good... except on his liver :P
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I think that 22 lbs you put on is on your liver... :p

seriously though - i doubt you would find bunk m1t.... and 22lbs isnt unheard of... you might want to get your liver values checked out.
i'm not having any sides. bloat doesnt seem to be too big of an issue. i still wear the same size pants and really they arent any tighter, except in my thighs but thats good. as far and my piss being black, what are you talking about? its only slightly dark in the mornings but once i get fluids in me then it is all normal again.

been on 50mgs for 3 weeks now and on my cycle for a total of 7, 8 counting this week