Please find where I said it doesn't matter if you train and eat surplus of calories - don't put words in my mouth

What I said was "training does NOT dictate whether you gain fat/muscle".
Here is what you said:
As a natural, does training allow you to eat a large surplus and mainly gain muscle because of the training? No.
Therefore the training will not dictate what sort of weight you add - the diet will.
Naturals have a very strict limit as to how much muscle they can gain in a fixed time frame - which is why the caloric surplus needs to be small because a larger surplus will NOT lead to more muscle gains, regardless of training.
Do naturals have a limit to how much fat they can gain? No
Will training alone limit fat gain? No
So if a natural eats a large surplus they will gain the same amount of muscle as he would on a smaller surplus but with a bunch of extra fat to along with it.